Class Discussion & Presentations
One of the best ways to deeply understand a topic is to discuss the topic with others. Therefore, everyone is expected to actively participate in the classroom discussions. You may use your paper reviews as the basis for discussion, but please do not feel a need to limit your comments to what you wrote in your evaluations. I encourage everyone to ask questions about or offer clarifications for confusing parts of the papers, and to think about the limitations of or possible extensions to the work being discussed.

There will be an advocate and a skeptic for each paper for every lecture, each to speak for 5-8 minutes about the paper.
Each person should sign up to be the advocate on one paper and the skeptic on a different paper. (The sign up sheet is available via Blackboard system.) When you are not the advocate or skeptic on a paper, I will still expect you to participate actively in the class discussions.

The advocate gives the elevator pitch for the paper: what is the topic of the paper, what are its main results, why the system or idea is an improvement upon the previous works (if any), why does the result matter, and so on. The answers to these questions may be different from the ones the authors gave in the paper.

The skeptic
should discuss why we should be cautious in interpreting the results of the paper. The skeptic should also suggest additional research directions that could build upon, improve, or otherwise augment the paper under discussion.