Omid Abari
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Office: ENG VI - Room 497B
I am an Associate Professor in the department of Computer Science at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where I lead Intelligent Connectivity (ICON) research group. I received my PhD in Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), working with Professor Dina Katabi and Professor Anantha Chandrakasan. I received my Master's degree from MIT and my Bachelor's degree from Carleton University, Canada.
My research interests are in all aspects of Internet of Things (IoT) networks and systems, from the physical layer to the application layer. My research group develops software-hardware systems that deliver ubiquitous sensing, efficient computing, and wireless communication at scale. We borrow techniques from diverse areas including computer networks, machine learning, signal processing, hardware design, and HCI.
Check this page for a complete list of publications.
ICML 2024: NeWRF: A Deep Learning Framework for Wireless Radiation Field Reconstruction and Channel Prediction
ACM MobiCom 2024: Enabling On-Demand Low-Power mmWave Repeaters via Passive Beamforming
ACM MobiCom 2023: Bringing Millimeter Wave Technology to Any IoT Device
ACM SIGCOMM 2023: A Millimeter Wave Backscatter Network for Two-Way Communication and Localization
ACM/IEEE IPSN 2023: Turning Processors to Low Overhead Radios Using Side-Channels
USENIX NSDI 2023: A Steerable, Transflective Metamaterial Surface for NextG mmWave Networks
ACM SIGCOMM 2021: mmTag: a Millimeter Wave Backscatter Network
ACM MobiCom 2021: Can WiFi Backscatter Replace RFID?
ACM UIST 2021: PocketView: Through-Fabric Information Displays
ACM SIGCOMM 2020: WiTAG: Seamless WiFi Backscatter Communication
ACM MobiSys 2020: GreenTag: Soil Moisture Sensing with Commodity RFID Systems
ACM SenSys 2020: Sensing Finger Input Using An RFID Transmission Line
ACM SIGCOMM 2019: mmX: A Millimeter Wave Network for Billions of Things
ACM MobiSys 2019: Are RFID Sensing Systems Ready for the Real World?
ACM UIST 2019: Tip-Tap: Battery-free Discrete 2D Fingertip Input
ACM MobiCom 2018: RFID Hacking for Fun and Profit
ACM SIGCOMM 2018: ReMix: In-body Backscatter Communication and Localization
ACM SIGCOMM 2018: Agile-Link: Fast Millimeter Wave Beam Alignment
MIT PhD Thesis: Software-hardware Systems for the Internet-of-Things
USENIX NSDI 2017: MoVR: Enabling High-Quality Untethered Virtual Reality
ACM SIGCOMM 2015: Caraoke: An E-Toll Transponder Network for Smart Cities
IEEE INFOCOM 2015: AirShare: Distributed Coherent Transmission Made Seamless
IEEE INFOCOM 2014: BigBand: GHz-Wide Sensing and Decoding Using the Sparse Fourier Transform
IEEE ISSCC 2014: A 0.75 Million-Point Fourier Transform Chip for Frequency-Sparse Signals
MIT MS Thesis: Building Compressed Sensing Systems : Sensors and Analog-to-Information Converters
IEEE TCAS 2013: Why Analog-to-Information Converters Suffer in High-Bandwidth Sparse Signal Applications
IEEE TCAS 2013: Energy Aware Design of Compressed Sensing Systems for Wireless Sensors
IEEE ICASSP 2012: Performance Trade-offs and Design Limitations of Analog-To-Information Converter Front-Ends
2023: NSF CAREER Award
2022: UCLA Society of Hellman Fellows Award
2017: ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) Grand Finals Winner
2016: ACM MobiCom Student Research Competition Winner, Gold Medal
2016: Boston Is The Smartest City (BITS) Competition Winner
2015: ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) Grand Finals Winner
2014: ACM MobiCom Student Research Competition Winner, Gold Medal
2013: NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship
2011: Merrill Lynch Fellowship
2010: Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement
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