Students must follow the UCLA Student Conduct Code, which prohibits cheating, fabrication, multiple submissions, and facilitating academic dishonesty. A summary of the Student Conduct Code can be found in the Student Guide to Academic Integrity, and the Office of the Dean of Students has summarized some of the dos and don'ts in Before You Begin That Paper and How to Get the Better of an Exam.
Programming is a creative process. Individuals must reach their own understanding of problems and discover paths to their solutions. Students are encouraged to study together, and to discuss general problem-solving techniques that are useful for assignments; but when working on an assignment students should not share detailed notes, pseudocode or code, and all work submitted must be done individually. Each program must be entirely your own work.Do not, under any circumstances, permit any other student to see any part of your program, and do not permit yourself to see any part of another student's program. In particular, you may not test or debug another student's code, nor may you have another student test or debug your code. (If you can't get code to work, consult the teaching assistant.) Using another's code in any form or writing code for use by another violates the University's academic regulations.
The standard penalty for violating these rules on one part of one assignment is to receive a zero for the entire assignment and in addition to receive a reduction of one letter grade for the course. This penalty may be adjusted at the professor's discretion, up to and including the assessment of a failing grade for the course. Repeat offenses will be dealt with harshly. In serious cases, the Dean may choose to take additional action, including possible suspension or expulsion from the University.
You may look in the library (including the Internet, etc.) for ideas on how to solve homework problems, just as you may discuss problems with your classmates.
Homework solutions must be neat and well organized. Students are encouraged to use the computer to prepare homework solutions. Any work that cannot easily be read will score zero points.