CS 239 Parallel Programming Languages Spring 2011
- Time and place: Tue+Thu 4-6pm, 5272 Boelter Hall.
- Professor: Jens Palsberg
Motivation for the course: learn new programming abstractions
that will be useful for programming clusters of multi-core computers, GPUs, and supercomputers.
I hope the course can help kick-start new research projects.
Reading list.
Homework 1 is due Thu May 12, 2011, 2pm.
Homework 2 is due Thu Jun 9, 2011, 2pm.
- Tue Mar 29, Thu Mar 31: overview,
historical perspective,
the landscape of parallel computing research,
parallelism, synchronization, data distribution;
example: map-reduce.
- Tue Apr 5, Thu Apr 7:
examples, core language, semantics, type system.
- Tue Apr 12, Thu Apr 14:
static analysis of parallel programs;
may-happen-in-parallel analysis of X10 programs.
- Tue Apr 19, Thu Apr 21:
optimistic parallelism requires abstractions;
software behavior oriented parallelization.
- Tue Apr 26, Thu Apr 28:
connection between functional programming and parallel programming;
inversion generates divide-and-conquer parallel programs.
- Tue May 3, Thu May 5:
actors and
actor semantics.
- Tue May 10, Thu Mar 12:
no class.
- Tue May 17: demo day (Homework 1).
- Thu May 19:
- CUDA: Ethan Chen, William Chiu, Wenchuan Weng.
- OpenCL: David Woo, David Hwang.
- OpenCL: Sen Li, Bo Yuan.
- Tue May 24:
- Haskell: Shashank Neelam, Gauresh Rane, Sumedh Sakdeo.
- Haskell: Jiwen Cai, Yingdi Yu.
- NESL: Ran Gelles, Xiuming Chen, Petch Wannissorn.
- Thu May 26:
- Pig latin: Mohsen Lesani, Michael Gray.
- Chapel: Chen Guo, Matt.
- Tue May 31:
- Titanium: Marco Vitanza, Tarun Solanki.
- ZPL: Saro Meguerdichian, James Wendt.
- Thu Jun 2:
- Erlang: Madhuri Venkatesh, Mohan Maiya.
- Go: Rohit Kumar, Raghu Prabhakar.