CS 565 Programming Languages
Fall 1996
Time and Place: Tue and Thu 3:00-4:15, UNIV 019.
Professor: Jens Palsberg, CS 174, palsberg@cs.purdue.edu.
Teaching Assistant: Hae-Young Lee, CS G075, hylee@cs.purdue.edu.
Office Hours: Mon 9:00-11:00, Fri 10:30-12:00.
Newsgroup: purdue.class.cs565
Lab: CS 257 (Pentium machines running Solaris).
CS 565 is a course on the core aspects of programming languages:
semantics, types, control flow, and implementation.
Java and Scheme will be the main example languages, in addition to some
toy languages.
Java is an object-oriented language, and Scheme is a functional language.
Emphasis is on concepts and techniques of practical value for the
working programmer.
The final grade will be determined as follows:
- Homework: 40%, Midterm exam: 20%, Term project: 20%, Final exam: 20%.
The homework assignments will offer opportunities to earn extra credit.
In cases where the final grade is on the borderline between A and B, or
between B and C, the higher grade will, at the discretion of the professor,
be assigned to students who have earned significant extra credit.