CS 565 Programming Languages
Fall 1997
Time and Place: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30-10:20 AM, UNIV 003.
Professor: Jens Palsberg, CS 174, palsberg@cs.purdue.edu.
Office Hours: Stop by any time.
Teaching Assistant: Zheng Xia, MATH 435, xia@cs.purdue.edu.
Office Hours: Mon 7:00-9:00 PM, Wed 3:00-5:00 PM.
Newsgroup: purdue.class.cs565
Lab: CS 257 (Pentium machines running Solaris).
- Slogan:
Object-oriented programming and functional programming are different,
and knowing their similarities and differences makes you a better programmer.
- Languages:
Java 1.1.3
- Parser generator: The Java
Compiler Compiler.
Frontend: The
Java Tree Builder.
- Course outline:
- Programming style and the meaning of programs.
- Type systems and control-flow analysis.
- Project on type inference.
- Lectures.
- Readings.
- Policies.
- Code.
- Grading:
Homework (40%), Midterm exam (20%), Term project (20%), Final exam (20%).
Late homework and late project solutions will not be accepted.
Homework is assigned on Thursdays.
Solutions are due on Thursday 11:45 AM the following week,
and they will be given back in graded form the week after that.
Solutions must state
(1) the name and computer-login-id of the submitter,
(2) the homework number, and
(3) the date of submission.
Submit your homework to the main office, CS 164, or electronically
(see the newsgroup for details each week).
- Midterm exam:
Wednesday Oct 15, 1997, 7-9 pm, EE 117. Closed book.
- The term project
will be assigned Tue Nov 11.
Solutions are due Tue Nov 25 at 11:45 AM.
- Final exam:
Tuesday Dec 16, 1997, 8-10 am, UNIV 303. Closed book.