Rafail Ostrovsky - Publications

Coding for Interactive Communication Correcting Insertions and Deletions

Mark Braverman, Gelles Ran, Mao Jeiming, Rafail Ostrovsky


We consider the question of interactive communication, in which two remote parties perform a computation while their communication channel is (adversarially) noisy. we extend here the discussion into a more general and stronger class of noise, namely, we allow the channel to perform insertions and deletions of symbols. These types of errors may bring the parties "out of sync", so that there is no consensus regarding the current round of the protocol. In this more general noise model, we obtain the first interactive coding scheme that has a constant rate and tolerates noise rates of up to 1/18-epsilon. To this end we develop a novel primitive we name edit distance tree code. The edit distance tree code is designed to replace the Hamming distance constraints in Schulman's tree codes (STOC93), with stronger edit distance requirement. However, the straight forward generalization of tree codes to edit distance does not seem to yield a primitive that suffices for communication in the presence of synchronization problmes. Giving the "fight" definition of edit distance tree codes is a main conceptual contribution of this work.

comment: ICALP 2016: 61:1-61:14

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