Improved algorithms for optimal embeddings.
Nishanth Chandran, Ryan Moriarty, Rafail Ostrovsky, Omkant Pandey, Mohammad Ali Safari, Amit Sahai
In the last decade, the notion of metric embeddings with small
distortion received wide attention in the literature, with
applications in combinatorial optimization, discrete mathematics and
bio-informatics. The notion of embedding is, given two metric spaces
on the same number of points, to find a bijection that minimizes
maximum Lipschitz and bi-Lipschitz constants. One reason for the
popularity of the notion is that algorithms designed for one metric
space can be applied to a different metric space, given an embedding
with small distortion. The better the distortion, the better is the
effectiveness of the original algorithm applied to a new metric
The goal that was recently studied by Kenyon, Rabani, and Sinclair
[Kenyon et al. 2004] is to consider all possible embeddings between
two \emph{finite} metric spaces and to find the best possible one,
i.e., consider a single objective function over the space of all
possible embeddings that minimizes the distortion. In this paper we
continue this important direction. In particular, using a theorem of
Albert and Atkinson [Albert and Atkinson 2005], we are able to
provide an algorithm to find the optimal bijection between two line
metrics provided that the optimal distortion is smaller than 5+2\sqrt{6}.
This improves the previous bound of 3+2\sqrt{2}, solving an open question
posed by [Kenyon et al. 2004]. Further, we show an inherent
limitation of algorithms using the ``forbidden pattern'' based
dynamic-programming approach that they cannot find optimal mapping
if the optimal distortion is more than 7+4\sqrt{3}.
Thus, our results are almost optimal for this method. We also
show that previous techniques for general embeddings apply to
a (slightly) more general class of metrics.
comment: ACM Transactions on Algorithms 4(4): (2008)
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