The ideas in many of these patents have not been published in academic papers (but could have been). Citation counts are from Google Scholar, Dec 2014. Assigned institution at the end.
[P1] R. Ramjee. B, Aggarwal, P. Chitnis, G. Varghese, A. Anand, C. Muthukrishnan, A, Balachandran Asymmetric end host redundancy elimination for networks, U.S. Patent, 9,083,708, Issued July 2015 (new method for deduplication). Microsoft.
[P2] G. Varghese, A. Fingerhut, F. Bonomi. Method and System to detect an evasion attack (detecting evasions without keeping complete state), U.S Patent 8,613,088, December 2013. Cisco.
[P3] S. Singh, G, Varghese,Detecting malicious attacks using network behavior and header analysis}, U.S Patent 7,936,682, May 2011. Cisco.
[P4] S. Singh, G. Varghese, M. Ayres, M. Semanko, B. Eghbali, T. Newhouse Method and Apparatus for Content Classification (using signatures to classify content, not just attacks), U.S Patent 8,010,685, August 2011. Cisco.
[P5] S. Singh, G. Varghese, F. Bonomi, J. Chang, System and Method to Process packets in a network using Stateful Processing (Using Bloom Filters to do approximate stateful processing), U.S Patent 7813350, October 2010. Cisco.
[P6] Sumeet Singh, G. Varghese, C. Estan,S. Savage Detecting public network attacks using signatures and fast content analysis (fundamental NetSift patent). U.S. Patent 7966658, June 21st 2011. University of California, San Diego.
[P7] R. Pan, F. Bonomi, G. Varghese, Modification of Policing Methods to make them more TCP Friendly (adding RED-like ideas to token buckets which are effectively drop-tail today). US Patent 7817556, Oct 19, 2010. Cisco.
[P8] S. Singh, G, Varghese, Method and apparatus to process packets in a network}, U.S Patent 7,535,90, May 2009. Cisco.
[P9] Sushil Singh, G. Varghese, J. Huber, Sumeet Singh Scalably detecting and blocking signatures at high speeds (using Bloom filters and choosing anchors to do fast string search in hardware) US Patent 7602780, Oct 13, 2009. Cisco.
[P10] D. Joshi, A. Shelat, A. Phanslakar, S. Iyer, R. Kompella, G. Varghese, Fast Deterministic Exact Match look-ups in large tables(perfect hashing in hardware). U.S Patent 7043494, May 9th 2006, PMC-Sierra.
[P11] G. Varghese, V. Srinivasan, Fast Level 4 Switching using Crossproducting, U.S Patent 6449256(using lookup tables for packet classification). Sept 10, 2002. Washington University
[P12] V. Srinivasan, G. Varghese, S. Suri, and M. Waldvogel, H. Adisheshu, Fast Level 4 Switching using Tuple Space and Grid-of-Tries, (Tuple space for classification) U.S. Patent 6,212,184, April 3, 2001. Washington University. 113 citations
[P13] J. Turner, G. Varghese, Marcel Waldvogel, High Speed Scalable IP Routing Lookups, (binary search on prefix lengths), U.S. Patent 6,018,524, January 25, 2000. Washington University. 129 citations
[P14] G. Varghese, V. Srinivasan, Method and apparatus for fast hierarchical address lookup using controlled prefix expansion (multibit trie IP lookup schemes widely used by industry) US Pat. 6011795, Jan 4th, 2000. Washington University. 262 citations
[P15] G. Varghese, George, Bassett J., et al Device for partitioning ports of a bridge into groups of different virtual local area networks (VLANs), (First reference to VLANs, often cited in industry law suits). 5,963,556, October 5, 1999. Digital Equipment Corporation. 84 citations
[P16] G. Varghese, D. Oran, and R. Thomas, System for Achieving Scalable Router Performance, (using link aggregation groups in switches to scale router performance). U.S. Patent 5905723, May 18th 1999. Digital Equipment Corporation. 31 citations
[P17] R. Simcoe, R. Thomas and G. Varghese, Method and Apparatus for Dynamically Controlling Data Routes through a network, (generalizing the ticket based switch scheduler in Gigaswitch to link aggregation groups), U.S. Patent 5796966, Aug 18th, 1998. Digital Equipment Corporation. 37 citations
[P18] H. Wilkinson, G. Varghese and N. Poole, Compressed Prefix Matching Database Searching}, (path and node compression for IP and OSI addresses). U.S. Patent 5781772, Jul 14th 1998. Digital Equipment Corporation. 167 citations
[P19] C. Ozveren and G. Varghese, Apparatus for Rate Based Flow, (allows different rate controllers to steal unused bandwidth from each other), US. Patent 5,455,826. PD 94-0163, Oct 3, 1995. Digital Equipment Corporation. 76 citations
[P20] B. Spinney, R. Simcoe, B, Thomas, G. Varghese, Packet Format in Hub for Data Communication System (Gigaswitch packet formats and forwarding process}, U.S. Patent 5,390,173. Feb 14th 1995. Digital Equipment Corporation. 276 citations
[P21] G. Varghese, R. Szmauz, A. Smith, and M. Fine, Integrated Communication Link having a dynamically allocatable bandwidth and protocol for transmission of allocation information over the link. (voice-data integration protocol and multiplexing scheme with novel synchronization scheme), US. Patent 5,313,467, May 17, 1994. Digital Equipment Corporation. 100 citations
[P22] S. Soloway, A. Lauck and G. Varghese, Synchronization Mechanism Mechanism for Link State Routing, (loop-free link state routing especially for bridge like environments without hop counts) US. Patent 5,265,092, Nov 23, 1993. Digital Equipment Corporation. 125 citations
[P23] R. Thomas, G. Varghese, G. Harvey, and R. Souza, Tracking Sequence Numbers in a Packet Communication Network, (efficient bookkeeping of received packets for TCP Offload engines). US. Patent 5,151,899, Sep 29, 1992. Digital Equipment Corporation. 71 citations
[P24] R. Perlman, G. Varghese, A. Lauck, Reliable Broadcast of Information in a Wide Area Network, (routing Protocol in OSI Network Layer Protocol 10589 (IS-IS) is based on this patent.) US. Patent 5,086,428, Feb 4th, 1992. Digital Equipment Corporation 34 citations
[P25] F. Backes, G. Varghese, and C. Kaufman, Transparent Load Sharing for Parallel Networks, (avoiding limitations of Spanning Tree routing for IEEE 802.1 LAN Bridges by using other paths without major changes.) US. Patent 5,018,137, May 21, 1991. Digital Equipment Corporation. 94 citations