NSF-IIS 0070135

User-Defined Aggregates for Advanced Database Applications

PI: Carlo Zaniolo,University of California, Los Angeles, zaniolo@cs.ucla.edu

Grant: NSF-IIS 0070135

Duration: September 2000 - August 2003.

An explosive growth in scale and complexity of information services is stretching data base technology beyond its limits. In particular, while state-of-the-art data base management systems (DBMSs) provide extensibility through user-defined functions (UDFs) and data types, they are ineffective in many critical applications areas, e.g., data mining. Therefore, the project's goal is developing powerful extensibility mechanisms to enable DBMSs to support effectively new application domains, and advanced information systems. To realize this goal, a new approach is proposed based on User-Defined Aggregates (UDAs) expressed in a new SQL-based language. Since SQL is the standard language for DBMSs, this approach ensures ease of use and compatibility---overcoming a problem besetting UDF-based approaches. The project's expected accomplishments are: