News for UCLA Computer Science 97, spring 2020

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Here are news items that affect the core assignments and class material.

Here is a list of things we’ll need for your initial project presentations. We do not expect the project to be complete or fully functional, but at the very least you should be able to run it and have some minimal functionalities to demo.
  1. Each team is assigned 10 minutes, including introduction + demo (8 minutes), and a live Q&A (2 minutes).
  2. The introduction and demo portion should be pre-recorded (≤ 8 minutes). We have added a spreadsheet to choose time slots and provide a link to the videos on CCLE under Week 8. Please do this by the end of tomorrow, 2020-05-21.
  3. We hope the entire group can be present during the selected time slot, but at a minimum, at least one member from each team should be present to answer questions.
  4. Attendance will be taken, and students will be asked to write reviews for other groups. The grade of a project will not be affected by the reviews it receives; it is intended as constructive feedback to improve the project further.
  • The project guidelines are available. Your project’s initial schedule and milestone list is due Tuesday.
  • Assignment 2b's deadline has been extended to Saturday (May 2).
  • Here is a good general outline for your proposal document:
    Introduction and background.
    Brief summary of your project: what problem does it solve, who will use it?
    This is where you get into the nitty-gritty of what your app will do. Be specific here. What pages will there be? How will users interact with your app? In addition, think about what your app won't do. What would you implement if you had time? What features are out of scope?
    Technology stack.
    How will you implement the features you talked about in the previous sections? What languages/libraries/frameworks will you use? Will you use any third-party APIs? What tools will you use to collaborate with your team members? How and why did you decide to use these technologies?
    ?Who will focus on what parts of you project? When will you implement features? How will you collaborate and communicate outside of classes?

    The goal of the proposal is mainly for you and your team members to have clear vision of what you'll be working on for the rest of the quarter and how you'll create it.

    1–2 pages is a reasonable length. See the USENIX templates in Resources for written reports and oral presentations for good formats.

  • Assignment 2 is available.
  • Sign up for your projects by next week; see the CCLE spreadsheet.
  • Project proposals are due April 29.
  • The midterms are scheduled for April 28 and May 19, during lecture.
  • Upsilon Pi Epsilon has announced its spring tutoring hours. Tutoring is via Zoom. Tutors that know CS 35L material are likely to know similar material in CS 97.
  • Assignment 1 turned out to be harder than expected, so it's been split into two parts. Each part is worth 0.75% of the total grade. The number of assignments has been reduced from five to four, so we still have 3.5% of the total grade for the three remaining assignments.
  • Assignment 1 is available.
  • Create your SEASnet account and then check that it works as soon as you can, as there are occasionally delays before your account is activated.
  • Here are suggestions if you're interested in the course but are neither enrolled nor on the waiting list.
    • Read Enrollment in Computer Science Classes and follow its advice.
    • Any PTEs are not typically given out until the end of the second week, to make sure that enough resources are available. You can try coming to classes before then. Sign up on any attendance sheet that is being passed around.