Winter 2006
CS 2x9 Course Descriptions

COM SCI 219 Current Topics in Computer System Modeling Analysis
LEC 1 LU, S.
ID Number Type Sec Days Start Stop Bldg Rm
587114200 LEC 1 MW 10:00A 11:50A BOELTER 5272
Title: TBA
Grade Basis: TBA
COM SCI 239 Current Topics in Computer Science: Programming Languages and Systems
ID Number Type Sec Days Start Stop Bldg Rm
587232201 LEC 1 MW 8:00A 9:50A BOELTER 5280
Title: Computer Security
This course provides a graduate-level introduction to computer security, concentrating on systems aspects of building and maintaining secure systems. Topics covered include basic security principles and tools, introductory cryptography, security protocols, secure operating systems design and configuration, network security, authentication and key management, and malicious code.
Recommended Prerequisites: CS 111 and CS 118
Grade Basis: Midterm (25%), Final (25%), and project (50%)
COM SCI 259 Current Topics in Computer Science: System Design/Architecture
ID Number Type Sec Days Start Stop Bldg Rm
587357200 LEC 1 MW 2:00P 3:50P HAINES A74
Title: TBA
Grade Basis: TBA
ID Number Type Sec Days Start Stop Bldg Rm
587357201 LEC 2 TR 2:00P 3:50P HAINES A24
Title: Advanced Topics in Microprocessor Design
Study of current research in general purpose microarchitecture. The processor pipeline will be explored in detail, with attention to performance, complexity, cycle time, power, and area. Recent real world architectures will be used for illustration, along with on-going research efforts in topics that will include branch prediction, load speculation, simultaneous multithreading, cache design/prefetching, register file design, and various techniques to combat processor scaling trends.
Prerequisite: CS 251A or permission of the instructor
Grade Basis:
    Written Assignments 25%
    Lab Assignments 25%
    Processor Presentation 25%
    Project Proposal 25%
COM SCI 269 Seminar: Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence
ID Number Type Sec Days Start Stop Bldg Rm
587410201 SEM 1 T 6:00P 8:50P BOELTER 4413
Title: Vision For Robots
In this course we will explore the use of vision for computers to interact with the environment. The focus will be in the study of on-line algorithm to estimate 3-D structure and motion, and in their implementation on mobile robot platforms for indoor and road navigation, including obstacle avoidance, integration with other sensors (GPS, inertial). The course will have a classroom lecture component, aimed at exploring the current state of the art, and a project component, aiming at implementing and testing existing approaches in practice.
Prerequisites CS 268 is welcome background, but not strictly necessary. Consent of instructor is necessary for students not having taken CS 268.
Grade Basis: Grading will be based on active participation in class and in the projects.
ID Number Type Sec Days Start Stop Bldg Rm
587410202 SEM 2 MW 4:00P 5:50P MS 3915G
Title: Humanoid Character Simulation
The purpose of this course is to cover a variety of state of the art techniques in humanoid computer animation. It is a seminar course that will cover the latest literature in human animation and visual modeling. Topics include: Muscle modeling and simulation, skinning, motor control, motion capture techniques, physics-based techniques and control, facial animation, and hardware accelerated rendering techniques.
Requisite: CS 174A
Grade Basis:
    Class participation: 10%
    Paper presentation: 30%
    Project proposal: 10%
    Project presentation: 10%
    Project: 40%
COM SCI 289A Current Topics in Computer Theory
ID Number Type Sec Days Start Stop Bldg Rm
587545200 LEC 1 TBA
Title: TBA
Grade Basis: TBA
COM SCI 289RA Current Topics in Computer Theory: Randomized Algorithms
ID Number Type Sec Days Start Stop Bldg Rm
587562200 LEC 1 MW 2:00P 3:50P BOELTER 5422
Title: Randomized Algorithms
Techniques when algorithms are allowed to flip coins, models, Chernoff bound, various algorithms, random walks, IP=PSPACE.
    Mitzenmacher & Upfal, Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis
    Motwani/Prabhakar, Randomized Algorithms
Grade Basis: Informal grading... homework (~20%), term paper (~80%)