Winter 2019 CS 32

Building Zombie Dash under Linux

Building on your own Linux machine

This is how to build a soundless version of Zombie Dash, assuming you've already installed freeGLUT:

  1. Download the soundless Linux skeleton for Zombie Dash.

  2. To build the program, change into the ZombieDash directory and type

  3. To run the program, type


Developing under Visual C++ or Xcode and building on a SEASnet Linux server

This is how to build a soundless version of Zombie Dash with g32, with your having done your primary development under Visual C++ or Xcode:

  1. On, download the soundless Linux skeleton for Zombie Dash, unzip it, and change into the Zombie Dash directory:

    	curl -s -L >
    	cd ZombieDash
  2. Edit the Makefile to remove the two # characters from the lines

    	#CC = g32
    	#STD =
  3. Replace the skeleton versions of Actor.h, Actor.cpp, StudentWorld.h, and StudentWorld.cpp with your own versions.

  4. To build the executable, type

  5. (We haven't yet figured out a set of easy steps to actually run the program remotely, but for now at least you can try to get a clean build under g32.)