Current Funding

Samsung Research Grant
Research grant on "An AI Based Scheduling System Under Uncertainty for Smart Factories"

DARPA Perceptually-enabled Task Guidance (PTG) Research Grant
Research grant on "Neuro-Symbolic Dynamic Probabilistic Models: A Unifying Representation and Reasoning Tool For PTG"

National Science Foundation Research Grant
Research grant on "Exchanging Knowledge Beyond Data Between Human and Machine Learner"

National Science Foundation CAREER Award
Research award for "Towards a New Synthesis of Statistical Learning and Logical Reasoning"
Past Funding

Facebook Probability and Programming Research Award
Research award for "Precise and Scalable Inference for Discrete Probabilistic Programs"

Intel Gift
Gift for research on "Deep Arithmetic Networks for Efficient Learning, Inference and Decision Making"

DARPA Explainable AI (XAI) Research Grant
Research grant on "Tractable Probabilistic Logic Models: A New Deep Explainable Representation"

National Science Foundation BIGDATA Research Grant
Research grant on "Open-World Foundations for Big Uncertain Data"

Facebook Probability and Programming Research Award
Research award for "Opening Up the Black Box of Probabilistic Program Inference"

NEC Laboratories Europe Research Grant
Research grant on "Explainable AI and Statistical Relational Learning"

National Science Foundation CRII Research Grant
Research grant on "Inference for Probabilistic Programs: A Symbolic Approach"

Research Foundation - Flanders Postdoctoral Fellowship
Personal grant on "Exploiting symmetries for inference and learning"