Decimal Representation
The representation of numbers that we usually use is called
Decimal or Base 10
We use this representation of numbers because we have 10 fingers.
When counting with our fingers, it is natural for us to start over when we have used all of our fingers
However, there are many other ways to represent numbers. You will learn about some of the most common and useful representations throughout these pages.
In order to understand other representations better, you need to keep these facts about decimal representation in mind:
- 10 values (0 through 9) are used to make each digit.
- When we use our fingers to count, each finger corresponds to a particular value as the right most digit.
- When Counting, upon reaching the last finger, the right most digit becomes zero and the second right most digit is increased by one.
What are the other representations of numbers? What if we didn't have ten fingers? How would we count?
Click here to find out.
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