Remote procedures allow an overall software application to involve more than one computer. They permit accomplishing the global task by parts that could use different data sources. Procedure Gateway Interfacing assists in combining partial calculations. Effectively diverse computers and data can work together to fulfill an overall objective independent of the hardware, software and information source locations. Procedure Gateway Interfacing sequences communications to render calculations remotely across a network equivalent to ones that take place on the same computer.
PGI supplies a systematic means to support remote procedures. It is unique in employing standard HTTP protocols. This technology provides a layer of communication and interfacing for program execution on multiple networked computers. It supports easier means for programmers to develop distributed procedures.
PGI has significant advantages over the other remote procedure systems that exist, namely CORBA, RMI, and RPC. It can be employed even when a target platform cannot grant administrator privileges or is unable to support special configuration requirements of such other systems.