Introduction to Graph Neural Networks and Diffusion Models


Introduction to Graph Neural Networks and Diffusion Models

Prepared for Chong’s Lab on June 10th, 2024

Powered Marp for updating the slides and webiste together.

Graph Neural Networks

  • Unstructured data: $x \mapsto f_{\theta}(x)$, e.g., $f_{\theta}(x) = \theta^\top x$
    • e.g. Image: $x \in \mathbb R^{256 \times 256 (\times 3)}$; CV data: $x \in \mathbb R^{3 \times T \times N}$
  • Structured data?


cr. Img.1, Img.2

Basic Graph Structure

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  • $\mathcal G = {\mathcal V, \mathcal E}$
  • $\mathcal V$: nodes, vertexes, e.g., atom / users
    • $\mathcal V = {x_i}_n$: atom / user features
  • $\mathcal E$: edges, e.g., bonds, social relationship
    • $\mathcal E = {e_{ij}}_{n \times n}$: bond types, etc.
    • $e_{ij}$ vs. $e_{ji}$: undirectional / directional

      $N$: number of nodes in the graph $i$: node indices

Graph structure (example 1)

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  • $\mathcal V$: atom type, $N = 6$
    • $x_1 = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) \in \mathbb R^6$
    • $x_2 = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) \in \mathbb R^6$
    • $x_3 = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) \in \mathbb R^6$
  • $\mathcal E$: bond type, $ \mathcal E = 5$
    • $e_{12} = (1, 0) \in \mathbb R^2$
    • $e_{23} = (1, 0) \in \mathbb R^3$
    • $e_{25} = (0, 1) \in \mathbb R^2$

      $e_{ij} = e_{ji}$ cr. Img.1

Graph structure (example 1)

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  • $\mathcal V$: atom type \& coord, $N = 6$
    • $x_1 = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.92, 1.23) \in \mathbb R^9$
    • $x_2 = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.67) \in \mathbb R^9$
    • $x_3 = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.92, 1.23) \in \mathbb R^9$
  • $\mathcal E$: bond type \& direc, $ \mathcal E = 5$
    • $e_{12} = (1, 0, 0, -0.92, -0.56) \in \mathbb R^5$
    • $e_{23} = (1, 0, -0.92, 0.56) \in \mathbb R^5$

      $e_{ij} \neq e_{ji}$ cr. Img.1

More Graph Representations

Adjacency Matrix

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  • Undirectional graph: $\mathbf A = \mathbf A^\top$
  • $e_{ii}$: self loop, might or might not be useful

Degree of a node

  • $\mathrm{deg}(x_i) = #$number of neighborhoods

Subgraph (Advanced)

  • Some node in the graph can be a sub-graph
    • e.g. functional group (CH3-, COOH-, …)

cr. Img.1, read more: Laplacian Embedding

Graph Neural Networks

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  • Function $f(\cdot)$ taking Graph $\mathcal G$ as input
  • Output $f(\mathcal G)$ can be …
    • A graph of a same structure $\mathcal G’$
      • Recommendations for each user
      • Energy for each atom
    • A scalar …
      • Toxicity of a molecule ($y \in \mathbb {0, 1}$)
      • Conformation energy ($y \in \mathbb R$)

cr. Img.1

Graph Neural Networks: Message Passing \& aggregation

  • Message from neighbor $j$ to $i$: $f(x_i, x_j, e_{ij})$
  • Aggregate the message from all neighbors \(x_i^{l+1} = x_i^l + \sum_{j \in \mathcal N(i)}f(x_i^{l+1}, x_j^{l+1}, e_{ij}^{l+1})\)
  • $f(x_i, x_j, e_{ij})$: trainable neural networks (usually MLP)
  • In the notation of adjacency matrix: $x_i^{l+1} = x_i^l + \mathbf A \mathbf f(x_i, \cdots, e_{i\cdots}^{l+1})$
  • $l$: number of layer in NN
  • Scalar output: $y = \sum_i x_i^L$

Example I: Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN (1))

  • Message from neighbor $j$ to $i$: ($\sigma$: activation function, $W$: trainable parameter) \(f(x_i, x_j, e_{ij}) = \sigma(Wx_j)\)
  • Update layer from aggregation \(x_i^{l+1} = x_i^l + \frac{1}{\sqrt{\text{deg}(i)}}\sum_{j \in \mathcal N(i)}\sigma(Wx_j^{l})\)


Example II: Graph Attention Transformers (GAT, GTN (2))

  • Message from neighborhoods: attention and values \(\begin{align} \mathrm{attn}(x_i, x_j, e_{ij}) &= \langle Qx_i, Kx_j\rangle\\ f(x_i, x_j, e_{ij}) &= Vx_j \end{align}\)
  • Aggregate the information weighted by attnetion \(x_i^{l+1} = \sum_{j \in \mathcal N_i} \mathrm{softmax}(\mathrm{attn}(x_i, x_j, e_{ij})) \cdot f(x_i, x_j, e_{ij})\)
  • Intuition: estimate the attention from different nodes.


Graph Neural Networks Libraries

  • Graph Neural Networks
    • Pytorch Geometrics (PyG) (
    • Deep Graph Library (DGL) (
  • Handling the graph structure
    • NetworkX (

Diffusion Processes

Generative model

  • Goal of the generative model: learn and sample from the distribution $\mathbb P(x)$.
    • With label: $\mathbb P(x y)$
  • Prior work: Generative adversarial network GAN, Variational autoencoder VAE, etc.

Compare with discrimative model

  • Goal of discrimative model: discrimate different class of data $\mathbb P(y x)$.
  • Examples: image classification (VGG, ResNet), languauage classification, etc..

Diffusion Process - one step

Intuition: adding noise to the input (image) and denoise

  • Forward step: Generate $x_1 = x_0 + \varepsilon, \varepsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2)$
  • Reverse step: Estimate $\varepsilon \approx \varepsilon_{\theta}(x_1)$ and generate $x_0 = x_1 - \varepsilon_{\theta}(x_1)$

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cr. Gif.1, Gif.2

Diffusion Process - Repeating for $T$ steps

  • Forward process (Markovian):
\[x_1 \sim \mathbb P(\cdot | x_0), x_2 \sim \mathbb P(\cdot | x_1), \cdots, x_T \sim \mathbb P(x_{T-1})\]

By Baysian rule, we not really need to sample it using the chain, but $x_t \sim \mathbb P_{t0}(\cdot| x_0)$

  • e.g. $x_t \sim N(x_{t-1}, \sigma^2) \longrightarrow x_t \sim N(x_0, \sigma^2t)$
  • Reverse process (this is not formal, just for intuition!!): \(x_{T-1} = x_T - \varepsilon_{\theta}(x_T, T), x_{T-2} = x_{T-1} - \varepsilon_{\theta}(x_{T-1}, T-1), \cdots, x_0 = x_1 - \varepsilon_{\theta}(x_1, 1)\)

    We need to generate $x_0$ through this chain!

  • Usually $\sigma$ is small that NN is not hard to learn

Forward Process (Assuming $\sigma^2(x_0) = 1$ by normalization)

  • VE-SDE: $x_t \sim N(x_{t-1}, \sigma^2)$, $x_t \sim N(x_0, \sigma^2t)$, $x_t \sim N(\mathbb E(x_0), \sigma^2(x_0) + \sigma^2 t)$
    • Variance-Exploded
  • VP-SDE: $x_t \sim N(\mu_{t t-1} x_{t-1}, \sigma_{t t-1}^2)$, $\sigma^2(x_t) = \sigma_{t t-1}^2 + \mu_{t t-1}^2 \sigma^2(x_{t-1})$
    • Variance-Preserved: $\mu_{t t - 1}^2 + \sigma^2_{t t - 1} = 1$, $\mu_t^2 + \sigma^2_t = 1$, $x_t = N(\mu_t x_0, \sigma^2_t)$.
    • $T \rightarrow \infty, \mu_t \rightarrow 0, \sigma_t \rightarrow 1, x_T \rightarrow N(0, 1)$ // we start reverse from here!

Training objective:

  • Predict noise using noisy data: $\varepsilon_t = x_t - \mu_t x_0$: $\mathcal L = \mathbb E_{t, x_0, x_t x_0}|\varepsilon_{\theta}(x_t, t) - \varepsilon_t|_2^2$
  • Reweight for better training $\mathcal L = \mathbb E_{t, x_0, x_t | x_0}|\varepsilon’_{\theta}(x_t, t) - \varepsilon_t / \sigma_t|_2^2$ ($\varepsilon_t / \sigma_t \sim N(0, 1)!$)

    Note that $\varepsilon’_{\theta}(\cdot, t) \approx \varepsilon(\cdot, t) \sigma_t$

Reverse Process

What we know know: \(x_{t-1} \sim N(\mu_{t-1} x_0, \sigma_{t-1}^2), \bar x_0 \approx x_t - \varepsilon_{\theta}(x_t, t) = x_t - \varepsilon'_{\theta}(x_t, t)\sigma_t\)

Sample $x_{t-1} \sim N(\mu_{t-1} \bar x_0, \sigma^2_{t t-1})$ ($x_t x_{t-1} = N(\mu_tx_{t-1}, \sigma^2_{t t-1})$)

More justification… \(\mathbb P(x_{t-1} | x_t) = \sum_{\bar x_0} \mathbb P(x_{t-1} | x_t, \bar x_0)\mathbb P(\bar x_0 | x_t)\) \(\mathbb P(x_{t-1} | x_t, x_0) \propto \mathbb P(x_{t-1} | x_0)\mathbb P(x_t | x_{t-1}) = N(\cdot, (\sigma_{t-1}^{-2} + \mu_{t | t - 1}^2\sigma_t^2)^{-1})\)

Readmore: Algorithm 1, 2 in DDPM. D3PM

Why diffusion model works (for science people..)

  • Langevin dynamics: $M\ddot X(t) = -\nabla U(X(t)) -\zeta \dot X(t) + \sqrt{2\zeta kT}R(t)$
  • Overdamped regime: $M \ll 1$: $\dot X(t) = -\zeta^{-1}\nabla U(X(t)) + \sqrt{2 kT / \zeta}R(t)$

  • Equilibrium Boltzmann distribution \(\begin{align} \mathbb P(X) &= \exp(-U(X) / kT) / \int_{X}\exp(-U(X) / kT) \mathrm dx\\ \log \mathbb P(X) &= -U(X) / kT - \log \int_{X}\exp(-U(X) / kT) \mathrm dx\\ \nabla_X \log \mathbb P(X) &= - \nabla_X U(X) / kT \end{align}\)

If we let $D = kT / \zeta$ then the overdamped Langevin becomes… \(\dot X(t) = -D \nabla_X \log \mathbb P(X) + \sqrt{2D}R(t)\)

Now the same again with statistics / ML …

\(\dot X(t) = -D \nabla_X \log \mathbb P(X) + \sqrt{2D}R(t) \Rightarrow X \sim \mathbb P(X)\)

  • $D$: learning rate (think of GD: $\dot X(t) = -D \nabla f(x)$)
  • $\nabla_X \log \mathbb P(X)$: score function
  • How to learn score function? (score matching)
    • $\log \mathbb P(X)$ is hard to learn (think of learning $U(X)$, and $F(X) = \nabla U(X)$
    • $\nabla \log \mathbb P(X) = \mathbb E_{X_0 X} \nabla \log \mathbb P(X X_0)$, make $\nabla \log \mathbb P(X X_0)$ easy to calculate..
      $$\mathcal L = \mathbb E_{X_0, X X_0} |f(X) - \nabla \log \mathbb P(X X_0)|_2^2$$  
    • What if $\mathbb P(X X_0) = N(\mu X_0, \sigma^2) \propto \exp(-0.5 (X - \mu X_0)^2/ \sigma^{2})$?
    • $\nabla \log \mathbb P(X | X_0) = (X - \mu X_0) / \sigma^2 = -\varepsilon / \sigma^2$!!

      $\mathbb P(X)$ is not the original data distribution. It is the distribution of $X$ given the $X_0$ is from the data distribution…

From $\mathbb P(X)$ to $\mathbb P(X_0)$


Forward process: $\mathrm dX = -f_tX\mathrm dt + g_t\mathrm d B$: $\mathrm dB$: Brownian motion

cr. Img.1

Reverse process in SDE

$\mathrm dX = -f_tX\mathrm dt + g_t\mathrm d B$: $\mathrm dB$: Brownian motion $\approx N(0, \mathrm dt)$, $t: 0 \rightarrow 1$

Reverse process for recovering: $\mathrm dX = [-f_tX - g^2_t\nabla \log \mathbb P_t(x)]\mathrm dt + \mathrm d\bar B$:

  • $\mathrm d\bar B$: reverse brownian motion
  • Matching the score function and solve the SDE ($t: 1 \rightarrow 0$) h:250pt

cr. Img.1

Conditional generation on information $c$

  • Most naive one: train $\mathbb P(\cdot c)$ seperately for each $c$, wait NN for generalization
  • Classifier-guidance: Use a discriminative model predicting $\mathbb P(c x, t)$
    • Seeking to generate $\mathbb Q(x) \propto \mathbb P(x)P(c x, t)^{\gamma}$ ($\gamma$: generation strength)
    • In each of the generation step: let $\nabla \log \mathbb Q(x) = \nabla \log \mathbb P(x) + \nabla P(c x, t)$
    • Make $\mathbb Q(x)$ more likely to be predicted as $P(c x, t)$
  • Classifier-free guidance
    • Approximate $P(c x, t) \propto \mathbb P(x c) \mathbb P(X)$, generating by
      $$\nabla \log \mathbb Q(x) = (1 - \gamma)\nabla \log \mathbb P(x) + \gamma \log \mathbb P(x c)$$  
    • Do not require the classifier, suitable for image input, language prompt, etc..
  • More general guidance: 1 seeking for $\mathbb Q(x) \propto \mathbb P(x)\exp(-\mathcal E(x))$

Blog / papers


    Advanced topics

  • Flow maching
  • Equivariant generation for 3D structure (1) (2)
  • Physics of flow matching, diffusion model and how to accelerate