Rick Ainsworth is the Director of the Center for Excellence in Engineering and Diversity (CEED) at UCLA since 1989. Mr. Ainsworth has written and served as Co-Principal Investigator for various National Science Foundation, Corporate and California State projects supporting several undergraduate, graduate, community college and pre-college STEM retention programs. Currently as Co-PI he manages the 1.8 million NSF STEP-grant, known as STEP-for Underutilized Populations (STEP-UP); the NSF SSTEM scholarship grant and the NSF Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) project, these three multi-year grants support diversity in STEM with emphasis on engineering, computing and physical sciences. He obtained a B.S. from the University of Southern California in Urban Planning/Administration in 1973 and completed Graduate work in the USC School of Law.
Mr. Ainsworth's work with CEED focuses on recruitment, retention, development, and graduation of underrepresented engineering and computing students. CEED has been cited in Science Magazine as a BEST exemplary program. Mr. Ainsworth developed a 20 member Industry advisory Board that contributed over $ 950,000 in scholarships over the last five years and funded several innovative programs such as Lockheed and Intel Foundation" Bridge Review for Enhancing Engineering Students (BREES)-a two week program designed for rising third year CEED students to increase the academic performance in the engineering "gateway courses. Mr. Ainsworth led the development of an Introduction of Engineering Disciplines course for underrepresented engineering freshmen. Mr. Ainsworth serves as Co-PI and oversees the Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) project supporting over 800 k-12 urban school students and their teachers, and an allied summer program K-12 Science Mathematics and Research Training for Students (SMARTS)-currently funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute as part of a Department of Life Science grant. Publications: R. Ainsworth, 1991 "African American Students Entering the Engineering Profession" Engineering Horizons, Sp, pp.52. R. Ainsworth, 1985 "Faculty Advisors for Minority Engineering Students (FAMES)" Chapter 14 in Handbook on Improving the Retention and graduation of Minorities in Engineering, Edited by R.B. Landis, National Action Council for Minorities in Engineerng,NewYork,1985.
Synergistic Activities, Affiliations and Awards: