Feb 2007 - Feb 2013

Computing Majors

Computer Science & Engineering B.S.

ABET-accredited Computer Science & Engineering curriculum at UCLA provides the education and training necessary to design, implement, test, and utilize the hardware and software of digital computers and digital systems. The curriculum has components spanning both the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments. Within the curriculum students study all aspects of computer systems from electronic design through logic design, MSI, LSI, and VLSI concepts and device utilization, machine language design, implementation and programming, operating system concepts, systems programming, networking fundamentals, higher-level language skills, and application of these to systems. Students are prepared for employment in a wide spectrum of high-technology industries.

UCLA Computer Science & Engineering Requirements >

Computer Science B.S.

The computer science curriculum is designed to accommodate students who want professional preparation in computer science but do not necessarily have a strong interest in computer systems hardware. The curriculum consists of components in computer science, a minor or technical support area, and a core of courses from the social sciences, life sciences, and humanities. Within the curriculum, students study subject matter in software engineering, principles of programming languages, data structures, computer architecture, theory of computation and formal languages, operating systems, distributed systems, computer modeling, computer networks, compiler construction, and artificial intelligence. Majors are prepared for employment in a wide range of industrial and business environments.

UCLA Computer Science Requirements >

UCLA Components

The Computing Immersion Summer Experience (CISE) program is designed to immerse incoming computing students in a 2-week residential seminar on the foundation concepts and principles of computer science. The 10 working days consist of 7 hours of course and laboratory time covering a syllabus focused on fundamental computer programming principles, methodologies, and techniques. Basic concepts of programming and the C++ computing language are taught. This continues over the remaining 10 days for 1-2 hours per day while the students also concentrate on preparation coursework in math, science, and engineering in the BRIDGE or BREES programs. Seminar presentations of current computing research are also given to demonstrate various applications of computer science. An additional exposure to computer science applications is acquired through a computing industry tour, where company representatives present their computing business functions.

Freshman Summer Bridge is a two-week, residential summer program for incoming freshmen students, who are majoring in engineering or computer science. Summer Bridge provides advanced preparation and early exposure to Fall quarter math, chemistry, and computer science curricula. Collaborative learning techniques and community-building activities are integral processes to both day and evening programs. The primary purpose of Summer Bridge is to jump-start the "community building and bonding" process early, and create a built-in expectation of academic excellence to continue throughout the first year. These principles of excellence are reinforced by intensive classroom instruction and collaborative learning workshops that promote group study as well as individual and team problem-solving.

Modeled closely after the Freshman Summer Bridge, the Summer Bridge Review for Enhancing Engineering Students (BREES) is a two-week intensive introduction of key topics covered in core engineering courses. Newly admitted community college transfer students and continuing junior students attend BREES. BREES instruction is led by engineering faculty and graduate students. Furthermore, BREES has proven successful in engaging underrepresented transfer students into the CEED community and in assisting them in their transition into the University.

Engineering 87 (E87) is a Fall Quarter course designed to support CEED engineering and computer science freshmen and focuses on academic, professional, and personal development through team research projects, guest presentations, field trips, and computer literacy. Computing freshmen are engaged in 3-4 person teams conducting computer science research projects under the guidance of a faculty researcher and graduate students.

Commonly referred to as AEWs, Academic Excellence Workshops are collaborative, academically challenging, problem-solving workshops for various courses. AEWs are a means for achieving mastery through collaborative learning and facilitated group study. CEED students are first introduced to AEWs during Summer Bridge and are encouraged to participate throughout their first two years. AEWs are offered for math, physics and chemistry courses. Additional AEWs are offered for upper-division core engineering courses in computer science, as well.


Each year, CEED students can apply or be nominated for NSF, University, and Industry scholarships. About $250,000 in scholarships is distributed through CEED annually. The following list of scholarships is available for FOCUS students.

NSF S-STEM BESTS [NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Building Engineers and Supporting Talented Scholars]

  • Minimum of 8 scholarships available each year to new transfer students for up to $5,000 each
  • Scholarship renewable once based on maintaining a minimum GPA.

Clay Scholarship - Vice Provost

  • Number of scholarships varies each year. Average amount is $3,000.
  • Transfer students must be nominated by the HSSEAS Dean
  • Scholarship renewable based on academic performance

Dean Scholarship

  • Number of scholarships varies each year. Scholarship covers tuition/fees for 4 years
  • Students are nominated by the HSSEAS Dean upon acceptance into the University

Industry Scholarship

  • About 16 scholarships each year are targeted to FOCUS students. Average amount is $2,000
  • Students apply and are selected by each industry based on criteria.


  • Average scholarship is $9,375 for 3 years
  • MESA Community College students apply at their MESA center the year prior to transferring to a University


We engaged the partnership and support of FOCUS by several major industrial organizations, in particular Cisco, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel and Yahoo! Most were already providing various support to UCLA CEED. Industry provided FOCUS URM students various school-year scholarships and summer internships, as well as information sessions and talks on campus. These scholarships and internships have been very attractive and great incentives for URM students to excel and earn them. Early exposure to computing industries and the work environment for computer science degree holders is important to acclimate students to the applications of the computing field and to motivate them during their academic studies. Several dozen summer internships have been earned by top URM students, some leading to full time positions.

Research Opportunities

Another activity in the FOCUS project has been engaging diversity students in undergraduate research projects working closely with specific professors and their research groups of graduate and some undergraduate students. This has been supported by FOCUS grant stipends and by NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) stipends. Computer Science faculty have given formal presentations of their research and how undergraduates can engage in an internship and/or for independent course credit. These opportunities have provided valuable educational benefits, enthusiasm and motivation, and understanding of graduate studies possibilities. The FOCUS grant PI and Co-PIs and other CS professors have guided diversity undergraduates through the FOCUS grant years, and the last grant funds have been spent supporting several junior-senior diversity students. The best evidence of the success of such efforts is several eloquent testimonials by such students that are recorded in the FOCUS web site.

Community College Efforts

© 2007-2013 UCLA Center for Excellence in Engineering and Diversity