
Some keys to group success follow: Iteration Example
Use written items from reading to support talks. Make your presentation (with comments, questions) the beginning of a draft proposal. This item is for work you'd like, and why funding should be granted. A talk based on such material is a pitch, an attempt to convince others to back or work with you. [Sample Sites, Reviews, and Proposals.] Some parts of the proposal can appear in reports or papers on work you did when funds arrive.

Protect Intellectual Property
A journal can give a record of what you did. You choose what to record. That can be project ideas, steps, items you read (bibliographic citation information, author, title, date is useful). It can include comments and notes on class discussions.

An engineering or technical notebook is a formal term used to describe a dated, witnessed, signed version of such a work effort record. It is a valuable document for legal purposes.

A good practice is to regularly pass one's journal to a coworker, here another student in the class. Seek these results:
If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

1/10/02 Version
©2002 Allen Klinger