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Are you talking to [’xem’] or [’x’, ’em’]? On Tokenization and Addressing Misgendering in LLMs with Pronoun Tokenization Parity

Anaelia Ovalle, Ninareh Mehrabi, Palash Goyal, Jwala Dhamala, Kai-Wei Chang, Richard Zemel, Aram Galstyan, Yuval Pinter, and Rahul Gupta, in NAACL-Findings, 2024.

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  title = {Are you talking to ['xem'] or ['x', 'em']? On Tokenization and Addressing Misgendering in LLMs with Pronoun Tokenization Parity},
  author = {Ovalle, Anaelia and Mehrabi, Ninareh and Goyal, Palash and Dhamala, Jwala and Chang, Kai-Wei and Zemel, Richard and Galstyan, Aram and Pinter, Yuval and Gupta, Rahul},
  booktitle = {NAACL-Findings},
  year = {2024}

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