Todd MillsteinProfessor and Chair UCLA Computer Science Department476 Engineering VI Los Angeles, CA 90095-1596 todd@cs.ucla.edu |
New! SPLASH/OOPSLA 2024 keynote talk: Everything is a Program (even if it's not)
For more than a decade I have focused much of my work on network verification: developing programming languages and software verification techniques to obtain provable guarantees on the behavior of computer networks. Our open source Batfish network configuration analyzer ensures that an organization's network configurations obey critical security and reliability requirements. Batfish is now managed by Amazon Web Services, is the technology underlying Oracle Cloud's Network Path Analyzer tool, is in production use by dozens of other companies, and is a platform for many academic research projects.
In my current research I'm continuing to work on network reliability, for example developing techniques for scalable BGP policy verification and behavioral testing of protocol implementations. Outside of networking, I'm working to reduce the burden of interactive program verification through lemma synthesis and developing scalable reasoning methods for probabilistic programming languages.
Bit Blasting Probabilistic Programs (PLDI 2024)
Poorva Garg, Steven Holtzen, Guy Van den Broeck, Todd Millstein
MESSI: Behavioral Testing of BGP Implementations (NSDI 2024)
Rathin Singha, Rajdeep Mondal, Ryan Beckett, Siva Kesava Reddy Kakarla, Todd Millstein, George Varghese
CS30: Principles and Practices of Computing
an introduction to computing for computer-science majors with no prior
programming experience
Types and Programming Languages
an introductory graduate course on
programming language theory and static type systems
CS239: Current Topics in Programming Languages and Systems
a graduate research seminar with varying topics