Don't Fear the Bit Flips: Optimized Coding Strategies for Binary Classification (bibtex)
by Frederic Sala, Shahroze Kabir, Guy Van den Broeck and Lara Dolecek
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Frederic Sala, Shahroze Kabir, Guy Van den Broeck and Lara Dolecek. Don't Fear the Bit Flips: Optimized Coding Strategies for Binary Classification, In CoRR, volume abs/1703.02641, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{SalaArxiv17, author = {Sala, Frederic and Kabir, Shahroze and Van den Broeck, Guy and Dolecek, Lara}, title = {Don't Fear the Bit Flips: Optimized Coding Strategies for Binary Classification}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1703.02641}, month = Feb, year = {2017}, url = "", keywords = {techreport} }
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