Efficient Search-Based Weighted Model Integration (bibtex)

by Zhe Zeng and Guy Van den Broeck
Zhe Zeng and Guy Van den Broeck. Efficient Search-Based Weighted Model Integration, In Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Declarative Learning Based Programming (DeLBP), 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Zeng, Zhe and Van den Broeck, Guy},
  title     = {Efficient Search-Based Weighted Model Integration},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Declarative Learning Based Programming (DeLBP)},
  month     = {aug},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = "http://starai.cs.ucla.edu/papers/ZengUAI19.pdf",
  slides    = "http://starai.cs.ucla.edu/slides/ZengDELBP19.pdf",
  code = "https://github.com/UCLA-StarAI/pysmi",
  keywords  = {workshop,duplicate}
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