Miryung Kim
Full Professor
University of California, Los
Computer Science Department
Engineering VI, Room 474
Los Angeles, CA 90095

TEL: 310-825-2858
FAX: 310-794-5057
Administrative Support:
Ms. Edna Todd
TEL: 310-825-1322
News 2021
Our paper on Fuzz Testing of Heterogeneous Computing
Applications is accepted to ESEC/FSE 2021.
I received an ICSE
2021 Distinguished Reviewer Award. I am honored to be
one of many distinguished reviewers who volunteer their time
for peer reviews to strengthen our SE community.
Congratulations to my former PhD student Na Meng for
her promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure.
My former PhD student Tianyi Zhang is
joining Purdue University as a tenure track faculty member
in 2021. Congratulations, Tianyi! (News)
Our team received NSF grant on Fuzz
Testing for Data and Compute Intensive Systems (with Qian
Zhang and Muhammad Gulzar).
Our team received NSF grant on Redesigning
Data Plane for Memory-Disaggregated Datacenters (with
Harry Xu and Khanh Nguyen).
I gave a Distinguished Lecture at
UIUC Department of Computer Science in March 2021. (News)
Our paper on Dorylus Scalable Graphical Neural Net Training
is accepted to OSDI 2021. Congratulations John and
I gave a Distinguished Lecture at University
of Minnesota Cray Colloquium in January 2021. (News)
News 2020
Our team received an NSF grant on Code Demography:
Addressing Information Needs at Scale for API Users and
Our paper on RefFinder received the Most
Influential Paper Award from ICSME 2020 ---a 10 year
retrospective award based on the research impact and
citations. (News)
Our paper on influence-function based debugging of big data
analytics with dynamic taint analysis is accepted to SoCC
Our paper on fuzz testing of big data analytics is accepted
to ASE 2020.
Our UCLA team is demonstrating JDebloat as a part of ONR
Software Security Summer School. (News)
I am giving an ICSE
2020 Technical Briefing Talk about Software
Engineering for Data Analytics.
My former PhD student Muhammad Ali
Gulzar is joining Virginia Tech as a tenure track
faculty member in Fall 2020, Congratulations, Gulzar!
Our paper on testing deep neural networks and investigation
of test criteria is accepted to ESEC/FSE 2020.
Our paper on debloating modern Java applications is accepted
to ESEC/FSE 2020.
Our paper on refactoring for heterogeneous computing with
FPGA is accepted to ICSE 2020.
Our study on data driven-API design is accepted to CHI 2020.
Our paper on attacks and defenses of self-driving vehicles
is accepted to PerCom
Our paper on composite refactoring is accepted to MSR
News 2019
My paper on software engineering for data analytics is
accepted to Special Issue on AI in IEEE Software. This
article is based my ASE 2019 Keynote. (News)
I am a Program
Co-Chair of ESEC/FSE 2022, ACM Joint European Software
Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of
Software Engineering.
I am giving a Keynote
Talk at ASE 2019, 34th IEEE/ACM International
Conference on Automated Software Engineering. (News)
Our paper about performance debugging of big data analytics
is accepted to SoCC 2019.
I am awarded an Experienced Humboldt
Research Fellow from Alexander von Humboldt
Our paper about native computation of big data analytics is
accepted to SOSP 2019.
Our paper about software development challenges about deep
learning is accepted to ISSRE 2019.
Our paper about symbolic-execution based testing of big data
analytics is accepted to ESEC/FSE 2019. We released our symbolic
execution engine for Scala/Apache Spark.
I am promoted to a Full Professor
in the Computer Science Department at UCLA, effective July
Congratulations on my former PhD students, Prof. Baishakhi Ray and Prof. Na Meng for
receiving NSF CAREER awards.
Congratulations on Dr. Tianyi
Zhang for a successful PhD defense.
News 2018
Our paper about common adaptation patterns of online code
examples was accepted to ICSE 2019.
Our paper about interactive code search via active learning
was accepted to ICSE 2019.
We released a command-line API misuse detector based on
common API usage patterns mined from 380K Java projects in
GitHub. The tool is now available on the ExampleCheck
I gave a keynote talk on "New
Frontiers of Mining Software Repositories---Usability
and Information Delivery" at the Workshop on Automated
Specification Inference.
I gave an invited talk at the Vision
Forum in Santa Clara, "Data Science elevating Software
Engineering and Software Engineering elevating Data
I am the Program
Co-Chair of ICSME 2019--the 35th IEEE International
Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution. (News)
I am organizing Dagstuhl on "SE4ML
- Software Engineering for AI-ML-based Systems" with
Kersting, Van den Broeck, and Zimmermann.
Our team received an
NSF Medium grant on Automated and Interactive
Debugging for Big Data Analytics. I am leading this project
as a PI with a co-PI, Tyson Condie.
My student Muhammad Gulzar won a Gold
Medal at ACM Student Research Competition at ICSE
I received Doc
Stevenson Award for Outstanding Faculty in Residence
in 2018. (News)
I gave a Distinguished
Lecture at the Institute for Software Research at UC
Irvine. Here's a video
link to my talk. Here is a link to my slides.
News 2017
Our paper on API usage mining in GitHub and a study of API
misuse in Stack Overflow was accepted to ICSE 2018.
Our paper on visualizing code examples at scale was accepted
to CHI 2018.
Our team received a 4.9 M grant from Office of Naval Research
on Synergistic Software Customization: Framework,
Algorithms, Tools. I am leading the project as a PI with
co-PIs Jens Palsberg and Harry Xu.
I and my PhD student Gulzar co-presented automated debugging
of big data analytics at 2018
Spark Conference in San Francisco.
We had a UCLA and UCIrvine ONR
project kickoff meeting. (News)
We conducted the largest
scale study of data scientists in software teams. This
study is accepted to TSE.
I presented our study of data scientists at 2018
Strata Conference in San Jose.
My research and Mommy CS camp was featured on the PC
Magazine and DailyBruin.
Our work on big data analytics debugging was invited for a
talk at the Facebook
Software Engineering workshop in London.
Our paper on automated debugging for Apache Spark is
accepted to
SoCC 2017.
Our paper on refactoring error detection is accepted to TSE.
Our team received a 1.7M grant from National
Science Foundation and Intel on "A Multi-Paradigm
Programming Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Architectures"
(Cong and Kim at UCLA and Sampson and Zhang at Cornell).
I received a Faculty in Residence Faculty-of-The-Year
Award in 2017. (News)
My student Tianyi Zhang received Google
Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award given by
UCLA CS department.
My student Muhammad Gulzar received Google
PhD Fellowship.
News 2016
Our paper on automated clone transplantation and
differential testing is accepted to ICSE 2017.
I am a Program Board Member for ICSE 2017 and ICSE 2018.
I am an Associate
Editor of TSE, IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering. TSE is No 1. Journal in Software Engineering.
News 2015
Our paper on the interactive debugging primitives for Apache
Spark is accepted to ICSE 2016.
Our paper on the study of data scientists at Microsoft is
accepted to ICSE 2016.
I received an Okawa
Foundation Research Grant Award in 2015. (News)
My PhD graduate, Baishakhi Ray
(UT Austin PhD 2013), is joining University of Virginia, CS
as an assistant professor.
My PhD graduate, Na
Meng (UT Austin PhD 2014, co-advised by Kathryn
McKinley), is joining Virginia Tech, CS as an assistant
My postdoc, Myoungkyu
Song (Virginia Tech PhD 2013), is joining University
of Nebraska, Omaha as an assistant professor.
Our collaborative NSF grant on interactive specifications is
News 2014
I am a General Chair for MSR 2016--the
13th International Conference on Mining Software
I am an Associate Editor of Journal of Empirical Software
Engineering (No 2. Journal in Software Engineering).
Our paper on refactoring of systematic changes is accepted
to ICSE 2015.
Our paper on interactive code review is accepted to ICSE
Our Air Force Research Laboratory grant is awarded.
I am creating a new graduate course on Data Science in
Software Engineering.
I am a Program Board Member of ICSE 2016.
I accepted an Associate Professor position with tenure at
I received a Google Faculty Research
Prior to 2014
I am serving on the ICSE 2015 program committee.
Our collaborative NSF CPS grant
is awarded.
I am serving on FSE 2014 and ICSE 2014 program
Our papers on example-based program transformation are
accepted to ICSE 2013 and ICSE 2013 demo.
Please check out the demonstration video of our
example-based program transformation tool, LASE Eclipse
Our paper on cross-system porting is accepted to FSE 2012.
Our paper on the field study of refactoring benefits and
challenges is accepted to FSE 2012.
Our paper on Repertoire is accepted to FSE 2012 formal
demonstration track and the tool is available now.
I am serving on OOPSLA/SPLASH 2012 program committee.
Our paper on Vdiff is accepted to Journal of Automated
Software Engineering.
Our paper on change rule inference is accepted to TSE.
I was invited to a panel at the CRA
Career Mentoring Workshop in DC.
I received an NSF
CAREER award.
NSF REU grant is awarded.
I am creating a new Software Engineering and Design
Laboratory class, EE461L.
Our collaborative NSF CCF SHF grant is awarded.
I am visiting Microsoft Research, the RiSE (Research in
Software Engineering) group.
I received 2011 Microsoft Software Engineering Innovation
Foundation Award.
Our paper on edit script derivation is accepted to PLDI
Our empirical study on refactoring and bug fixes is accepted
to ICSE 2011.
Our paper on modularity violation detection is accepted to
ICSE 2011.
A code clone study paper is accepted to FASE 2011.
A Verilog program
differencing algorithm has won ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished
Paper Award at ASE 2011.
NSF-SHF-EAGER grant is awarded.
Ref-Finder Eclipse plug-in is available now (See our FSE
2010 demo paper).
received 2009 IBM Jazz Innovation Award.