Research Publications
Teaching Student Funding Service


Miryung Kim

Vice Chair of Graduate Studies
University of California, Los Angeles
Computer Science Department
Engineering VI, Room 474
Los Angeles, CA 90095
TEL: 310-825-2858 FAX: 310-794-5057

Administrative Support:
Ms. Edna Todd
TEL: 310-825-1322


Miryung Kim is a Professor and Vice Chair of Graduate Studies in the Department of Computer Science at UCLA. She has taken a leadership role in defining the emerging area of Software Engineering with and for AI.  Her current research focuses on developer tools for big data systems and heterogeneous computing. She is one of pioneers in the field of mining software repositories, leveraging AI-driven insights for developer productivity. Her group created automated testing and debugging for Apache Spark. She conducted the largest scale study of data scientists. Her group's Java bytecode debloating JDebloat made a tech transfer impact to Navy.

She received her BS from KAIST and MS and PhD from University of Washington under the supervision of David Notkin. She was an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, moved to UCLA as an Associate Professor with tenure in 2014, and was promoted to a Full Professor in 2019. She spent time as a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research. She is an Amazon Scholar at Amazon Web Services.

She produced 7 professors (Columbia, Purdue, two at Virginia Tech, etc). For her impact on nurturing the next generation of academics, she received the ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award. She was a Program Co-Chair of FSE 2022, one of top 2 conferences in SE. She was a Keynote Speaker at ASE 2019 and ISSTA 2022. She gave Distinguished Lectures at CMU, UIUC, etc. 

Research: My group works on software engineering for AI, big data, and HW accelerators.

Advising: My former PhD students are professors at Columbia University (Bashakhi Ray), Virginia Tech (Na Meng), Virginia Tech (Muhammad Gulzar), and Purdue University (Tianyi Zhang). 3 are NSF CAREER  winners.

Awards and Honors: I received an ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award, ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, 10 Year Most Influential Paper Award from ICSME, an NSF CAREER award, a Microsoft Software Engineering Innovation Foundation Award, an IBM Jazz Innovation Award, a Google Faculty Research Award, and an Okawa Foundation Research Award. I am a Humboldt Fellow from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and I am an ACM Distinguished Member. Details on awards.

History: I graduated as No. 1 among all students in KAIST and received the Korean Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology Award, the highest honor given to an undergraduate student in Korea.

Diversity: I am recognized for my impact on diversity and inclusion at UCLA. I have been a faculty-in-residence for 8 years. I received the Robert Stevensen Faculty in Residence Award and Faculty/Staff of the Year Award (given to 1 faculty in each year). I created Mommy Computer Science Camp, featured in PC Magazine

News (more here)

Thanks to Fetch.AI Innovation Lab for the sponsoring research on the application of grammar-based decoding to software testing. 
Congratulations on DuoReduce (compiler debugging for MLIR extensible compilers), accepted to FSE 2025.
Congratulations on SynthFuzz (compiler testing for AI accelerators ONNX MLIR, Triton MLIR, and CIRCT), accepted to ICSE 2025.
I gave an invited talk on Software Engineering for Data Intensive Computing and Heterogeneous Computing at the Industry-Academia workshop in May 2024. 
I gave a keynote talk at Dagstuhl on Code Search in April 2024.
I gave a Distinguished Lecture at UC Riverside in April 2024.
Congratulations on my former PhD student, Prof Tianyi Zhang for receiving NSF CAREER.
Congratulations on NaturalSym (Natural Symbolic Execution) accepted to FSE 2024.
Our paper on Android API Stability and Adoption received the Most Influential Paper Award from ICSME 2023 based on the research impact and citations. (News)

I gave a Distinguished Lecture at Max Planck Institute in September 2023.
I gave a Distinguished Lecture at CMU on Software Engineering for AI in April 2023. (News)
Congratulations on our NaturalFuzz paper accepted to ASE 2023.
I am giving a Keynote talk at the Symposium on SE for Machine Learning Applications in Montreal in June 2023.

I gave a talk on Future of Software Engineering on SE for Big Data and HW Heterogeneity at ICSE 2023 in Melbourne, Australia.
Congratulations on our DepFuzz paper accepted to FSE 2023.
Congratulations on our HFuzz paper accepted to FSE 2023.
I gave a keynote talk at Dagstuhl Seminar on Software Bug Detection: Challenges and Synergies
I gave an invited talk at MPI-SWS Research Symposium in March 2023.
I served as a Program Chair of FSE 2022 (News).
I gave a Keynote Talk at ISSTA 2022 on democratizing heterogeneous computing. (News)
Our research on automated testing of quantum software stacks is selected for ACM SIGSOFT Research Highlights. (News)
I received the ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award. (News)
I was selected as an ACM Distinguished Member. (News)
Congratulations on our HeteroGen paper at ASPLOS 2022.
Congratulations on our OptDebug paper at SoCC 2021.
Congratulations on our Qdiff paper at ASE 2021.
Congratulations on our HeteroFuzz paper at FSE 2021.
Congratulations on our Dorylus paper at OSDI 2021.
My former PhD student Tianyi Zhang is joining Purdue University as a tenure track faculty in Fall 2021. (News)
Our team received an NSF grant on Fuzz Testing of Data and Compute Intensive Systems (with Gulzar).
Our team received an NSF grant on Memory-Disaggregation Datacenters (with Xu and Nguyen).

I gave a Distinguished Lecture at UIUC Department of Computer Science in March 2021. (News)
I gave a Distinguished Lecture at University of Minnesota Cray Distinguished Speaker Series in January 2021. (News)
Our paper on RefFinder received the Most Influential Paper Award from ICSME 2020 based on the research impact and citations. (News)
Our UCLA team is demonstrating JDebloat as a part of ONR Software Security Summer School. (News)
My former PhD student Muhammad Ali Gulzar is joining Virginia Tech as a tenure track faculty member in Fall 2020, Congratulations, Gulzar!
I am a Program Co-Chair of ESEC/FSE 2022, ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering.
I am giving a Keynote Talk at ASE 2019, 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. (News)
I am awarded an Humboldt Research Fellow from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
I am promoted to a Professor in the Computer Science Department at UCLA, effective July 2019.
Congratulations on my former PhD students, Prof. Baishakhi Ray and Prof. Na Meng for receiving NSF CAREER awards.
I gave a keynote talk on "New Frontiers of Mining Software Repositories-- -Usability and Information Delivery."
I am organizing Dagstuhl on "SE4ML - Software Engineering for AI-ML-based Systems" with Kersting, Van den Broeck, and Zimmermann.
I received Doc Stevenson Award for Faculty in Residence in 2018. (News)
Our team received a 4.9 M grant from Office of Naval Research on Synergistic Software Customization: Framework, Algorithms, Tools. 
My student Muhammad Gulzar received Google PhD Fellowship.
I am an Associate Editor of TSE, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.  am a General Chair for MSR 2016--the 13th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories.