UCLA CS111, Section 1, Spring 2016
Operating Systems Principles
Last updated: Mar 17, 2016
My background is not academic. I am a professional engineer.
I have spent over 40 years designing, building, and guiding operating systems,
operating systems related projects, and system software development teams.
Much of my work has focused on high performance and highly available
multi-processor and distributed systems.
I teach for fun, and to help develop the next generation of engineers.
My goal in this course is to identify the most valuable
concepts and techniques, and to make them interesting and clear.
- provide all students with OS related concepts and exploitation skills
that they (a) will all likely need and (b) are unlikely to get in other
- provide Computer Science majors with an introduction to key concepts
and principles that have emerged from (or been best articulated in)
operating systems.
- provide all students with a conceptual foundation that will enable
them to read well written introductory level OS-related papers, and
engage in intelligent discussions of those topics and participate
in entry-level OS-related projects.
- non-objectives ... things often taught in other OS courses:
- prepare students to write or work with kernel code.
Very few of our students will ever have need to do this,
and the pendulum now appears to be swinging away
from kernel-mode implementations (even for file systems
and other performance-critical data-paths).
- understanding of the issues and techniques associated
with device drivers and low level platform support code
in operating systems. This may be crucial background
for hardware system designers and embedded software
developers, but this course seeks to provide
a more general introduction for a much broader audience.
The reading, lectures, projects, and exams are all designed around
a large set of detailed learning objectives.
In addition to giving students a detailed overview of the material
to be covered in this course, this list is an excellent starting
point for exam study.
Assumed Student Background
- familiarity with basic computer architecture (registers, memory,
instruction pointer, processor status word) and instruction sets
(load, store, test, branch, logical/arithmetic operations).
- familiarity with the stack model of program execution (parameter
passing, saving/restoring registers, local variables, return values).
- familiarity with the software generation tool chain (compilers, assemblers,
object modules, linkage editors, load modules).
- familiarity with the use of static and dynamic/sharable libraries.
This course introduces an extremely wide range of new concepts, and so
involves a great deal of reading.
Most of the readings for this course will come from
Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau's
Operating Systems in Three Easy Pieces.
This text was
selected, after evaluating numerous alternatives, for several reasons:
- a good introduction to an appropriate range of topics.
- a practical treatment with numerous code examples that
students can run for themselves.
- highly readable.
- presentations are based on readily available (Linux) systems.
- numerous quantitative analyses of performance implications.
- excellent explorations of important performance issues
in synchronization and file systems.
- avoidance of gratuitous formalisms, ancient history, and
low-value tangents.
- it is an Open Source effort ... a movement for which many
of us have tremendous respect. A very practical implication
of this decision is that students are not required to
purchase a text book.
The primary weaknesses of this text seem to be:
- much more focused on mechanisms than principles
- subjects and examples are limited to those found in the Linux kernel
Hence, there will be a few areas that must be covered from
alternative readings (all available on-line):
Lecture, Reading, Lab, and Exam Schedule
It is not my intention to use the lectures to review topics that are well
presented in the text. Most of the lecture time will be used to:
- discuss student questions arising from the reading.
- expand on key results that should be drawn from reading.
- work through and discuss important but non-trivial examples from the reading.
- discuss perspectives, implications, and applications not covered by the reading.
To ensure that students have done the reading, and come to class prepared to engage
in deeper exploration of the topics, an on-line quiz (based on the assigned reading)
will be due before the start of each lecture. Nobody likes these quizzes, but
experience has shown that
(a) quizzes force students to do the reading before the lectures, and
(b) students who have done the reading get more out of the lectures,
and develop a better understanding of the material.
lecture slides
will be available on-line before the start of each lecture.
This should simplify your own note-taking and give you a starting point for exam preparation.
It will also give you the opportunity to see what topics I am planning to discuss
in each lecture. If you find (after reading or a lecture) that there are additional
topics you would like me to present, you can add them to a publicly writable
Discussion Topic Request List.
I am not regular faculty, and am only on campus on the days I teach this course.
I will try to be in my office (BH 4532-B one hour before and after each class session
(13:00-13:50, 16:00-16:50).
When not on campus, I am generally on-line.
The most reliable way to reach me is via email
or google-talk
Grades in this course are based on:
- 10% daily quizzes on the assigned reading.
These must be completed, on-line, prior to each lecture.
Each quiz is a one digit number of short-answer questions.
The purpose of the quizzes is to ensure that you have
you have done the reading, and come to each lecture
prepared for a more in-depth discussion of the topic.
- 40% lab projects
The labs are programming exercises in which you
will use the mechanisms and techniques
that have been discussed in the reading and lecture.
The dual purpose of the labs is to:
- consolidate your understanding of non-trivial concepts
- develop the ability to apply new techniques
Breakdown of points among the individual projects:
- 5% Project 0: warm-up exercise
- 10% Project 1: I/O and signals
- 15% Project 2: Synchronization
- 10% Project 3: File Systems
- 40% exams
All the exams are closed-book, multi-question, with each part
of each question requiring a brief (e.g. 1-3 sentence) answer.
The purpose of the mid-term and part 1 of the final exam is to
assess your familiarity with, and ability to apply the concepts,
principles, and techniques listed in the course learning objectives.
The purpose of (the more difficult) part 2 of the final exam
is to assess your ability to apply these lessons to the
understanding and solution of new and non-trivial problems.
Breakdown of points among the exams:
- 15% midterm (concepts)
- 15% final exam - part 1 (concepts)
- 10% final exam - part 2 (applications)
- 10% one research paper or embedded systems project ... due at the end of the quarter
The purpose of the research paper is to develop and demonstrate
your ability to read, understand, and draw useful conclusions from
contemporary Operating System research.
The purpose of the embedded systems project is to demonstrate
your ability to apply the principles discussed in this course
to a whole-system project.
Students with good programming backgrounds generally do very well on the lab projects.
Quiz scores tend to be well corellated with scores on the mid-term and part 1 of the final.
Scores for the research paper and part 2 of the final exam tend to be distributed over
a much wider range.
Letter Grading Scale:
- I do not grade on a curve, but a fixed scale.
The break points generally fall within two points
of 90/80/70/60
- I do look carefully at the break points to make sure
that students who did similar work do not get different
- if I make a mistake in a problem that makes it significantly
more difficult than intended, I will adjust the scale
to compensate for my mistake
Late and make-up policy:
- there are no make-ups for quizzes, but you can
take a quiz before it is due.
- each student has four slip-days that can be used for
any lab or research paper due date. After those have
been used up, a grade is reduced by 10% for each 24 hours
late the assignment is.
- if you miss an exam due to medical necessity, substantiated
by an attending physician, you will have the opportunity
to take a (different) make-up exam at some later date.
Grade Adjustments:
- I will always correct any (promptly reported) error in score computation.
- I am always willing to explain exam grading criteria.
- I am usually willing to regrade an exam problem
if I misunderstood a clearly correct answer ...
but this does not extend to
- reinterpreting vague or poorly written answers
- giving credit for having misunderstood the question
- giving credit for not having fully understood problem
- I will correct a quiz score if the auto-grader was unable to accept
a correct answer.
- I never raise grades in response to excuses or hardship stories.
- I never assign makeup projects. The only opportunity to improve
a grade is before the assignment is submitted.
If you need a PTE to get in the most likely reasons are:
- The class is full.
If you are a graduating senior, please fill out the
SEAS enrolment request form.
If you attend the lectures and do well on the quizzes, you
are very likely to get a PTE at the end of the second week.
- You are a graduate student.
Undergraduates have piority, but if the class is not yet full,
I generally issue PTEs (to students who have done well on
all quizzes) at the end of the second week.
Please fill out and submit the standard graduate
request form.
I give out PTEs at the end of the second week, to students who have
done well on all quizzes and the first project.
Students must follow the
Student Conduct Code,
which prohibits cheating, fabrication, multiple submissions, and facilitating academic dishonesty.
A summary of the academic integrity material of the Student Conduct Code can be found in the
Guide to Academic Integrity,
and the
Office of the Dean of Students has a workshop on academic integrity.
Students are encouraged to study together, and to discuss general
problem-solving techniques that are useful on assignments; but when
working on the projects students must not share work with others,
and must specify the sources for all parts of their submitted work.
For your research paper, you are free to quote from the
paper on which your work is based. But all conclusions
drawn from that paper must be your own (not from other
commentaries or discussions with classmates). For any
statement that is not your own, cite your source.
If you have questions about the policy, please discuss them with the instructor.
Be warned that I take Academic Honesty deadly seriously. I use a variety of tools and
techniques to detect plagiarism, I report all suspected cases to the
Dean's Office, and I seek full prosecution of every case I report.
Please, do not test me on this matter.
General Warnings:
This is widely held to be one of the most difficult courses in the
undergraduate Computer Science catalog, due to:
- the amount of reading
- the number of new and subtle concepts to be mastered
- the complexity of the principles that must be applied
- the amount of work involved in the projects
People who have had little difficulty with previous Computer Science courses
are often surprised by the work load in this course.
Keeping up in this course requires considerable work and discipline.
Catching up after falling behind is extremely difficult.
Related Computer
Science Curricula 2013 knowledge areas:
- OS/Overview of Operating Systems
- OS/Operating System Principles
- OS/Concurrency
- OS/Scheduling and Dispatch
- OS/Memory Management
- OS/Security and Protection
- OS/Virtual Machines
- OS/Device Management
- OS/File Systems
- OS/System Performance Evaluation
- PD/Communication and Coordination
- PD/Distributed Systems
- IAS/Foundational Concepts in Security
- IAS/Threats and Attacks
- NC/Networked Applications
- SF/Cross-Layer Communications
- SF/Resource Allocation and Scheduling
- SF/Virtualization and Isolation
- SF/Reliability through Redundancy
Related IEEE/ACM Software Engineering
2004 (SE2004) bodies of knowledge:
- CMP.cf.4. Abstraction – use and support for (encapsulation, hierarchy, etc.)
- CMP.cf.10. Operating system basics
- CMP.cf.12. Network communication basics
- CMP.ct.1. API design and use
- CMP.ct.2. Code reuse and libraries
- CMP.ct.10. Concurrency primitives (e.g., semaphores, monitors, etc.)
- CMP.ct.14. Performance analysis and tuning
- CMP.ct.15. Platform standards (POSIX etc.)
- FND.ef.4. Systems development (e.g., security, safety, performance, effects of scaling, feature interaction, etc.)
*These sections are taken, with permission, from
Prof Eggert's CS111 Syllabus.
For information about these pages, contact
Mark Kampe.