Previous Announcements for Winter 2005 UCLA CS 31 (Shinnerl)
The Final Exam
is Thursday, March 24th, from 11:30am-2:30pm at our usual lecture
location (BH 5419).
- 3/21/05
Answers to Written HW 2 have been posted.
- 3/21/05
has posted a source-code solution to Project 6
and is posting one for Project 7 later today (Monday).
- 3/11/05
Office hours will be held at the usual times and places
Mon. 3/14 -- Wed. 3/23.
- 3/11/05
Sandra will hold a review session on Thursday, 3/17,
from 10am to 11:50am, in BH 5419 (our usual lecture location
and time).
- 3/10/05
has posted a suggested "skeleton" of a solution to P7, including
most of a parser. You may use this code freely in your solution.
- 3/10/05 Online examples on STL vectors
and user-defined types have been updated.
- 3/9/05 Written Assignment 2 has been posted.
- 3/3/05
Homework Project 7 is due 10PM Monday, 3/14.
It will be accepted without penalty until 12:01am Monday 3/21.
- 3/7/05
For this week only, Sandra's Monday office hours are cancelled.
Instead, her office hours for this week will be held
Wednesday from 12:30--2:30pm.
- 2/25/05
Homework Project 6 is due at 10PM Friday, 3/4.
It will be accepted without penalty until 12:01am Monday 3/7.
- 2/28/05
For this week only, Prof. Shinnerl's and Sandra's office hours for
Tues. and Wed. are swapped. Sandra's office hours will be held
on Tuesday from 2:30--3:30pm, and Prof. Shinnerl's
office hours will be held Wednesday from 1:30--2:30pm.
- 2/25/05
Examples from the Friday 2/25 discussion section have been
- 2/17/05
scores and answers
have been posted.
- 2/18/05
Homework Project 5 is now due at 10PM Wednesday, 2/23.
- 2/11/05
Sandra will hold office hours on Monday, 2/14,
from 11:30--12:30 and 1:30--2:30 in BH4428.
Her Wednesday office hour for 2/16 is cancelled.
- 2/11/05
Solutions to Written Homework 1
have been posted.
- 2/11/05
Examples from Discussion Section, Friday, 2/11.
- 2/10/05
Binary Search example.
Recursive (function-call based) example and
iterative (loop based) example.
- 2/10/05
String search example from lecture 2/10.
- 2/8/05
Written Assignment 1
is now due Fri., 2/18,
but it reviews material covered on the midterm Tues., 2/15.
Solutions will be posted Fri., 2/11.
- 2/1/05
The Midterm Exam
is Tuesday, February 15th, in lecture.
- 1/27/05
Homework Project 4
is due Wednesday, 2/9.
- 1/27/05
The BETA specification for Homework Project 4
has been posted.
- 1/27/05
The due date for Homework Project 3
has been postponed to 10pm, Monday, 1/31.
- 1/21/05
With the Microsoft .NET compiler, you must
#include <cfloat> in order to access DBL_MAX.
(DBL_MAX is apparently not contained in the .NET version of the
<climits> library.)
- 1/21/05
Examples from Sandra's Discussion Section 1/21
have been posted.
- 1/18/05
Prof. Shinnerl's office hours on Thursday (only)
have been changed to 1:30--2:30pm. (The Tuesday
hours are still from 2:30--3:30pm.)
- 1/14/05
In observance of the MLK, Jr. Holiday, no office hours will be
held on Monday, 1/17. However, we will check our e-mail.
Please send us questions, if you have any.
- 1/10/05
Notes from Prof. Shinnerl's
introductory lectures.
- 1/10/05
Overheads to the first lecture,
by Prof. Nachenberg.
- 12/2/04
Course Info Summary suitable for printing.