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Welcome to the CS 190 site, mainly designed by Allen Klinger (with help from students). [If you prefer an interface without text please click here.]

The purposes are to provide: a) course support for (Computer Science Design Project CS 190); b) a way to help students develop individual directed study projects (CS 199); and c) an access to original material about computer and mathematical education (both at K-12 and college levels). This is a development environment that is changing: it could be beneficial to visit it several times to see what is new. You can read a more detailed description at the page about this site. Alternately, to contact Allen Klinger, information is stored at here I am.

This web site has three sections, college, K-12, and projects. The sections reflecting different interest levels and communities of possible users.

Some topics included discuss the role of images in communicating, symbols as abbreviations for concepts, general issues in representing information visually (graphs, tables, charts, figures), relationships between spoken and written language, and basic mathematical ideas particularly as they impact computer education. (The latter because of mathematics knowledge is central to enable effective work with computer technology.) Many students chose to do CS 199 projects on computer-math education: some can be reached from the K-12 web page. This page was set up to assist students in grades K-12 in learning more about computers and mathematics.

For students in the UCLA CS 190 class, or for other college-level students, a separate page has been designed. Finally, a nonstudent visitor interested in these activities can view the current and previous writings, including student and personal projects.

For visitors tired of reading paragraphs the quick and easy links are:

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There have been visitors since 7/28/97.

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