Carlo Zaniolo: Projects and                              Collaborators

Computer Science
UCLA, 3532 Boelter H.
450 Hilgard Ave

Los Angeles CA 9095

 Tel: (310) 825-8137
 Fax: (310) 794-5056


Stream Mill





Multiversion Documents



Home Page






Data Stream Management Systems must support relational streams, XML streams, and languages more powerful than SQL and XQuery--as required, e.g., for mining queries and queries for finding patterns in data streams. Our Stream Mill system does that via ESL (Expressive Stram Language).

Archival Information Systems must support temporal queries on the evolution of datbases (the ArchIS project) and web documents (the ICAP project).

Database Extensions for Data Mining
. ATLaS supports user-defined aggregates and table functions, whereby DBMS extensions are programmed in SQL. Datamining and complex data streams applications are easily expressed and efficiently supported with ATLaS.

Historical XML Archives and Web Information Systems. Multiversion XML documents can be stored and queried efficiently using temporal DB techniques. The histories of both relaltional databases and XML documents are published and queried using XML and XQuery.

Temporal and Spatial Reasoning in OR Systems.
SQLT uses a point-based temporal model to minimize the new constructs needed in SQL and is implemented in the TENORS prototype. SQLST supports an extensible spatio-temporal data model and query language.

Time Series Support. EPL and TREPL languages extend active databases with ability of triggering on complex event patterns. SQL-TS is a query language highly optimized for finding patterns in time series.

NonMonotonic Reasoning and Deductive DBs. Taming the semantic and computational problems of nonderministic and nonmonotonic reasoning leads to new levels of expressive power. Then, active rules, planning problems, and optimal graph search algorithms can be expressed via efficiently computable logic programs


ATLaS was built by H.Wang

NSF: IIS 00 70135
Shu Yao Chien
, Vassilis Tsotras works on XML versions
F. Wang works on XML archives & historical queries

Cindy Chen desinged SQLT and SQLST

EPL is by Giovanni Giuffrida

TREPL is by Iakovos Motakis

Reza Sadri designed
SQL-TS and its optimizer

A. Brogi, F.Giannotti, S.Greco, D. Pedreschi,
D. Sacca ,
V.S. Subrahmanian

NSF: IRI 96 32272

G. Manco and Dick Tsur are partners in applications