Syllabus for UCLA Computer Science 111 Lecture 2, Spring 2007.
Operating Systems Principles



This schedule is tentative and most likely will be revised. Among other things, the assignments are not yet cast in stone and some of the assignment links are dangling. More assignments may be added.

date due textbook readings topics
04-03 T §1 Introduction
04-05 R §2.0–§2.C Interfaces and abstractions
04-10 T §4.0–§4.A.2, §5–§5.A Modularity
04-12 R Lab 1a §5.E Implementing processes
04-17 T WeensyOS 1 Communication via pipes Pipes, threads, and nonblocking I/O
04-19 R §5.B (except §5.B.5) Interrupts, signals and indivisibility
04-23 M Lab 1b
04-24 T §5.F Synchronization: critical sections and mutexes
04-26 R §9.A.4 Synchronization: read/write coherence; finding critical sections
05-01 T §6.C.0–§6.C.3, §9.A.3, §9.A.5 Synchronization: observability; blocking wait
05-02 W WeensyOS 2
05-03 R midterm
05-07 M Lab 2
05-08 T §5.B.5, §5.C, §5.D Deadlock; domains; virtual memory
05-10 R §6.B.0, §6.B.3–§6.B.9 Multilevel memory
05-15 T §6.A Virtual memory performance
05-17 R Appendix 2-A Performance; file systems
05-22 T Appendix 2-A File systems
05-24 R §6.C.4, §9.0–§9.3, §9.B File system atomicity; disk scheduling
05-25 F Lab 3
05-29 T §8.A.1, §8.B.1, §8.D.1 RAID; distributed systems
05-31 R §4.B, §4.C, Appendix 4-B Distributed systems
06-05 T §11.0–§11.C Authentication
06-07 R §11.D–§11.H Authorization, confidentiality, and security protocols
06-08 F Lab 4

Please see Design Problem Requirements for the design problem schedule.

Final exam

The final exam is Thursday, 2007-06-14, 08:00–11:00.

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