This schedule is tentative and most likely will be revised. Among
other things, the assignments are not yet cast in stone and some of
the assignment links are dangling. More assignments may be added.
date | due | textbook readings | topics |
04-03 T | | §1 | Introduction |
04-05 R | | §2.0–§2.C | Interfaces and abstractions |
04-10 T | | §4.0–§4.A.2, §5–§5.A | Modularity |
04-12 R | Lab 1a | §5.E | Implementing processes |
04-17 T | WeensyOS 1 | Communication via pipes | Pipes, threads, and nonblocking I/O |
04-19 R | | §5.B (except §5.B.5) | Interrupts, signals and indivisibility |
04-23 M | Lab 1b |
04-24 T | | §5.F | Synchronization: critical sections and mutexes |
04-26 R | | §9.A.4 | Synchronization: read/write coherence; finding critical sections |
05-01 T | | §6.C.0–§6.C.3, §9.A.3, §9.A.5 | Synchronization: observability; blocking wait |
05-02 W | WeensyOS 2 |
05-03 R | | | midterm |
05-07 M | Lab 2 |
05-08 T | | §5.B.5, §5.C, §5.D | Deadlock; domains; virtual memory |
05-10 R | | §6.B.0, §6.B.3–§6.B.9 | Multilevel memory | | | |
05-15 T | | §6.A | Virtual memory performance | | | | |
05-17 R | | Appendix 2-A | Performance; file systems | | | |
05-22 T | | Appendix 2-A | File systems | | | | | |
05-24 R | | §6.C.4, §9.0–§9.3, §9.B | File system atomicity; disk scheduling |
05-25 F | Lab 3 |
05-29 T | | §8.A.1, §8.B.1, §8.D.1 | RAID; distributed systems | |
05-31 R | | §4.B, §4.C, Appendix 4-B | Distributed systems | | | | |
06-05 T | | §11.0–§11.C | Authentication | | | | | | |
06-07 R | | §11.D–§11.H | Authorization, confidentiality, and security protocols |
06-08 F | Lab 4 |
The final exam is Thursday, 2007-06-14, 08:00–11:00.