Syllabus for UCLA Computer Science 111, Fall 2008.
Operating Systems Principles



This schedule is tentative and most likely will be revised. Among other things, the assignments are not yet cast in stone and some of the assignment links are dangling. More assignments may be added.

You may also be interested in the Spring 2008 syllabus, which has old copies of scribe notes.

date due textbook readings lecture topics
09-25 Th Introduction
09-30 Tu §1, §2–§2.C Abstractions and bootstrapping
10-02 Th §4–§4.A.2, §5–§5.A, §5.C Modularity and virtualization
10-03 F Lab 1a
10-07 Tu §5.E OS organization
10-09 Th WeensyOS 1 Orthogonality, processes, and races
10-14 Tu §5.B (except §5.B.5) Signals, scheduling, and threads
10-15 W Lab 1b
10-16 Th §6.C–§6.C.3 Scheduling algorithms
10-21 Tu §9.A.3–§9.A.5 Consistency; critical sections
10-23 Th §5.B.5, §5.F Synchronization primitives; deadlock
(alternate notes for same lecture)
10-28 Tu midterm
10-30 Th Lab 2 §6.A File system performance
11-04 Tu Appendix 2-A File system design
(alternate notes for same lecture)
11-06 Th §6.C.4 File system implementation
11-10 M Lab 3
11-13 Th §8.A.1, §8.B.1, §8.D.1, §9–§9.A.3, §9.B File system robustness
11-18 Tu §5.D, §6.B intro, §6.B.3–§6.B.9 Virtual memory
11-20 Th §4.B, §4.C VM and processes; distributed systems
11-21 F WeensyOS 2
11-25 Th Appendix 4-B Robustness, parallelism, and NFS
12-02 Tu §11–§11.H Security I
(alternate 1 notes for same lecture)
(alternate 2 notes for same lecture)
12-04 Th Lab 4 Security II
(alternate 1 notes for same lecture)
(alternate 2 notes for same lecture)
12-05 F 1-page report

All assignments are due at 23:59:59 on the date specified. Design problem due dates are one week after the normal lab due dates, except for Lab 4 which are due on the last day of instruction.

Final exam

The final exam is three hours and will be held at the time scheduled by the registrar.

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