1/27/99 12:42:4

Allen Klinger and Computing Courses - Frequently Revised Material

(1/12/99 version)
The senior design project course [Computer Science 190 Project Definitions, Administrative Fall 98 or current full document Starting, weekly and ten-week quarter CS 190 Educational Objectives], starting graduate study [Advanced Courses, CS 276A 9/98], and my research [Readings, Image (photo, biography, research fields pattern recognition, picture processing, biomedical applications, mathematical modeling), Graduate Study Pattern Analysis] have some things in common, mainly working and continuing. Inspired and Exercises say things about all three.

Computer science design projects are done when four students focus on working together to do something useful. Individuals can vary a team project through the course CS 199. Terse writing is at the heart of titling: making captions for figures and headings for reports. Samples are at Brevity and in the Agenda. The 190 course has firm deadlines and requirements: such items are reached from Assignments. Individuals with projects they want to do will have an easier time completing requirements but grades are based on work merit and class evaluations. [Pointers from Inspired and items in the Exercises seek to stimulate individuals to greater effort.]

Materials are in the Engineering Library, 8th floor Boelter Hall. Interests leads to project ideas, as does past work [About Files and Site a detailed description of the varied CS 190 and CS 199 work done before Winter '98] much of which is in the 8th floor library on reserve, while copies are available (small numbers of items) from the suite secretrary.

In-progress items including reviews and reaction pieces to professional articles [Course Readings, Workshop Paper, Computer Scientists, On Being a Scientist] are used in the 190 course. The goal is verbal and written cooperation. This is to learn how to improve work from peer comments that lead to improvement suggestions and revised work directions.

A CS 190 project is a free-choice work item, hopefully one based on students' innovation and initiative. Each class is spent on varied supportive activities: communicating about work, intellectual property, starting a business, getting funding. Students' talks are on items of interest to them [starting points could be from articles, books, web pages, or discussions with course instructor about Interests.]

The CS 190 course activity involves selecting a job to work on, finding partners, developing a plan, executing tasks, and combining the work into a project report, items described in Administrative. Enrolled students work with one another by commenting in writing on each others' drafts, and interacting in class about the talks. Presentations are usually on work done or something new recently learned, organized, or illustrated. This activity simulates the way people work together in business. [Tips on talking appear in Technical Communication, Prepare, and Public Speaking.]

A prior CS 190 site had three parts: college an overview, K-12, and projects, a 199 student's view. Visuals at the prior 190, college and other sites come from students' CS 199 work. Several links above are in the table here.

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