Operating Systems Principles
These are the slides used in the scheduled lectures. Each set of slides is in pdf format, six slides per page.
I do not intend to read, or even reference, all of these slides in the lecture. They are:
- to let you know what will be covered under each topic
- for reference and illustration during discussions
- to remind me of key points I wanted to cover, and the order in which I wanted to cover them
- to save you the trouble of writing down notes that I have already committed to writing
- to enable you to review material that has been covered (for exam review)
Lecture Topics:
- Introduction to Operating Systems
- Resources, Services, and Interfaces
- Processes, Execution, and State
- Scheduling Algorithms, Mechanisms and Merformance
- Memory Management, Allocation and Relocation
- Virtual Memory and Paging
- Threads, Races, and Critical Sections
- Mutual Exclusion and Asynchronous Completions
- Higher Level Synchronization and Communication
- Deadlocks, Prevention, and Avoidance
- Performance
- Device I/O and Drivers
- File Semantics and Representation
- File Systems Performance and Robustness
- Security, Protection, Authentication, Authorization
- Distributed systems: Goals, Challenges and approaches
- Remote Data, Synchronization, Security
- Remote Data Performance and Robustness
- MP and Distributed Systems