Operating Systems Principles

These are the slides used in the scheduled lectures. Each set of slides is in pdf format, six slides per page. I do not intend to read, or even reference, all of these slides in the lecture. They are:

Lecture Topics:

  1. Introduction to Operating Systems
  2. Resources, Services, and Interfaces
  3. Processes, Execution, and State
  4. Scheduling Algorithms, Mechanisms and Merformance
  5. Memory Management, Allocation and Relocation
  6. Virtual Memory and Paging
  7. Threads, Races, and Critical Sections
  8. Mutual Exclusion and Asynchronous Completions
  9. Higher Level Synchronization and Communication
  10. Deadlocks, Prevention, and Avoidance
  11. Performance
  12. Device I/O and Drivers
  13. File Semantics and Representation
  14. File Systems Performance and Robustness
  15. Security, Protection, Authentication, Authorization
  16. Distributed systems: Goals, Challenges and approaches
  17. Remote Data, Synchronization, Security
  18. Remote Data Performance and Robustness
  19. MP and Distributed Systems