Syllabus for UCLA Computer Science 111, Winter 2015.
Operating Systems Principles



This schedule is tentative and most likely will be revised. Among other things, the assignments are not yet cast in stone. More assignments may be added.

You may also be interested in the Fall 2014 syllabus, which has old copies of scribe notes. The lecture topics may not line up exactly even if the titles are the same.

date due readings lecture topics scribe notes
01-05 M 1. IntroductionHsieh & TangHosokawa et al.Lee et al.Woo et al.
01-07 W §1, §2–§2.3 2. Abstractions and bootstrappingLaiLee & Lee
01-12 M §4–§4.1.2, §5–§5.1, §5.3 3. Modularity and virtualizationChaves & KennedyChen et al.Shiledar et al.
01-13 T Lab 1a
01-14 W §5.5 4. OS organizationKrause & LiMi & Yan
01-20 T WeensyOS 1
01-21 W 5. Orthogonality, processes, and racesChanTinoco et al.
01-23 F Lab 1b
01-26 M §5.2 (except §5.2.5) 6. Signals, scheduling, and threadsShao et al.Zhang
01-28 W §6.3–§6.3.3 7. Scheduling algorithmsLamSinha & Zhang
01-30 F Lab 1c
02-02 M §9.1.2–§9.1.7 (PDF) 8. Consistency; critical sectionsChung et al.O'Malley et al.Yang et al.Yang & Xie
02-04 M midterm, in lecture
02-09 W §5.2.5, §5.6 9. Synchronization primitives; deadlockAfghani & PortfolioDavila et al.Hung et al.Roy Choudhury & Gaddipati
02-11 W Lab 2 §6.1 10. File system performance BalkeCheng & MartinGalvin & BediWelihinda et al.
02-18 W §2.5 11. File system design ChengHoyt & WongLucero et al.Zhu et al.
02-23 M §6.3.4 12. File system implementation Baker & ZhuChen & YangFotinoHau & Lu
02-25 W §8.1.1, §8.2.1, §8.4.1, §9.2 (PDF), POSIX defect 672 13. File system robustness AdlerChen & SoulelesVoong & Wang
02-26 R Lab 3
03-02 M §5.4, §6.2 intro, §6.2.3–§6.2.9 14. Virtual memory LuNersesyan et al.NguyenPattanapitoon
03-04 W §4.2, §4.3 15. VM and processes; distributed systems Bar-Or & GuptaZuo & Yang
03-09 M WeensyOS 2 §4.5 16. Robustness, parallelism, and NFSYang
03-11 W Lab 4 §11–§11.8 (PDF), Garber 2012 17. Security and privacyAgbayani & GibbsChen
03-13 F 2- to 3-page report

All assignments are due at 23:55 (i.e., five minutes before midnight) on the date specified. Design problem due dates are one week after the normal lab due dates, with presentations and slides due one week after that; except for Lab 4 where everything is due on the last day of instruction (please ignore statements about due dates in the design-problem web page, as that's for a previous edition of the course). Scribe notes are due one week after the lecture, except for lectures during the last week (due Friday of the last week).

Final exam

The final exam is three hours and will be held at the time scheduled by the registrar.

© 2004, 2007–2010, 2012–2015 Paul Eggert. See copying rules.
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